What is GBP ?
Great Britain Pound
small unit more pound Penny (Penny) the name of the. total hundred penny against the family, in pounds. Pound one of the strongest and most valuable currencies. Aka the unit of money in England (riding).
pound that are based on valid documents., the oldest currency of the world. in the major part of the history of England and later Great Britain, has been in circulation.
pound sterling an integral part of the identity of the British-is British, but has its roots to Europe, Oct. The name comes from the word "" extracted, which in Latin language means weight or balance. From the root words " " were made, that means the unit Weight lbs.
the use of the word "" the centuries, that in the language used in the territory of the United Kingdom is outdated, but its presence in different forms in symbols related to currency and unit of weight continued. For example, Mark £ that symbol British currency is from, it was inspired by, or the letter abbreviation of the pound weight unit of reference in the system of weights of the British lb.
the connection symbolic the monetary unit with the weight unit in the UK, not random, because in principle the value of a pound is equivalent to one pound (453 of 5 grams) of silver. Inspired by the method of dividing "" in ancient Rome to smaller units, i.e. "" and "", the pound, the British currency also to 12 shilling and 240 penny split.
similar systems are also in the era of the kingdom of Charlemagne on the territory of the franc (a part of France today) established. Unit the money they "" name that to 12 sus and 240 split.