What is PW ?
password in most computer systems and electronic devices are used. Typically, the process of configuration of the electronic device is password protected.
select Password good effect, protect with password, it makes more and system from unauthorized access immune. Password good, in the sense that the brevity of expression can be:
for bringing it to the owner of the password easy and guess it for others, it can be difficult.
length of the password, short is not short, being the password, the possibility of success, "the attack search of inclusive" increases, moreover, during the insert easily by individuals can be seen.
password should not be words with meaning selection crafted in the face, "attack dictionary" can it be broken.
space, the probability of password must be vast. in other words, use the policy shift from character, numeric, etc. uppercase and lowercase letters and characters, non-alphanumeric-numeric can be effective, "the attack search of the pervasive" cut.
lack of use from the date of the birth, marriage, number of personnel, and other information that to ease by other people is attainable.
failure to use the sequence of keyboard keys that cannot be seen and a password when entered by persons enabling.