Today, Thursday، 6 Feb 2025 - 15:51

Acronym Finder

What is © ?


Copyright the right of reproduction or copyright, a set of exclusive rights that the publisher or originator of a work of original and unique, awarded, and legal, such as publication, etc. reproduce and benchmarking of effect to be included. In most jurisdictions, the right of publication from the beginning of the an effect to which it is awarded and does not need to effect registration. The equivalent of this right in the legal follower of the rights codified the right of the author.
copyright law in every country is different, in some countries, a copyright notice, along with Mark, copyright should be used to make the works be protected. Before 1989, all works published in the United States must have a copyright notice, including Mark copyright © along with the Publish Date and the name of the owner of the copyright, you were protected, but other conditions, such is not the use of a copyright notice in the U.S. now optional, however still can be used.
in all countries which are members of the Berne Convention for the protection of literary and artistic work. copyright is automatically the works belongs and do not need to register through the offices of State. Yet now, while the applied for copyright registration do not require, but in jurisdictions on. record as proof for the validity of the copyright is considered.