Today, Wednesday، 26 Mar 2025 - 01:15

Acronym Finder

What is IPU ?

the Invisible Pink Unicorn

Pink unicorn the invisible (IPU) is one of the parables, and philosophical, which is to follow, teapot, Bertrand Russell raised.

parable States pink unicorn, invisible, and God is both Supernatural and prove invincible. and to believe in God, the same size, the foundation is believed that such horse is on the loose.

this parable for a paradox made, because the horse mentioned ... invisible and pink. The main difference pink unicorn the invisible, such as the Flying Spaghetti Monster is also in the same expat in ... because in the case of monsters, spoke of the negation of the impossibility of an absolute. but the horse is due to be conceptually self-contradictory(if yet invisible ), etc. can be rejected. is that in the case of horses, unicorns, normal is impossible. In other words, the designers of this idea, more to follow explaining the concept of atheism, positive oriented, have been to ... not atheism, negative-oriented or contains nudist.