Today, Tuesday، 11 Mar 2025 - 14:48

Acronym Finder

What is KIA ?

Killed In Action

Killed in battle (which in Anglo-Saxon countries with the KIA, which stands for the English phrase, " Killed in Action, is to be shown) is a term used frequently to individuals that be in the midst of battle and combat operations among countries, armed conflict between the tribes and the actions of the terrorist, shoot the enemy forces have been killed. Victims can be from among the groups. " reporters, and ordinary people. although this term is more particularly civilians, killed in the battle is used.

the term about the dead provided that on the death of their enemy forces, the role of Direct have to not be applied. Events such as accidents, driving in during the war. a plane crash in the effect of technical defects, etc., killed by fire weapons, forces, Insider, and....

many communities of those killed in the battle associated with the homeland of their respect that they bear to keep the memory of these people, monuments, memorials, several).

in the culture of the Islamic Republic of Iran for the people who are in the way of maintaining the security of Iran, have fought, or by enemies or the terrorists have been killed, mostly from the words of the martyr used.