Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 17:39

Acronym Finder

What is AMIF ?
Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund
Asylum fund-immigration and integration in Europe...
What is وکجا ?
وزارت کشور جمهوری اسلامی ایران
Ministry of interior of the Islamic Republic of Iran...
What is اسکودا ?
اتحادیه سراسری کانون وکلای دادگستری
The National Union of Iranian bar associations (Skoda), also known as the Bar Association, is a non-governmental institution formed to support and oversee the performance of lawyers. Dr. Jafar Kusha currently heads the Skoda course.< < a bar association across Iran has several provincial and regional centers, the oldest of which is the Bar Association of the center....
What is ساس ?
سازمان اطلاعات سپاه
SAS is an acronym for the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Intelligence Organization....
What is FDI ?
Federation Dentistry International
World Dental Federation...
What is ADA ?
American Dental Association
The American Dental Association...
What is CISAC ?
Confédération Internationale des Sociétés d'Auteurs et Compositeurs
The International Confederation of the Society of writers and writers (CISAC) is an international non-governmental and nonprofit organization that aims to protect the rights and promote the emerging interests of writers around the world. The organization supports the material and moral rights of publishing and Broadcasting sacrifices writers and writers legally and formally....
What is سامد ?
سامانه ارتباط مردم و دولت
The electronic system for communicating people and government...