Today, Thursday، 13 Mar 2025 - 21:24

Acronym Finder

What is GOP ?
Grand Old Party
The Republicans are one of the two major political parties ofmerica, known mainly under the name (meaning the old big party). The party was originally formed by anti-slavery activists in yenmerica. By the election of 1860, and by the coming of power, the party was able to come to power and gain prominence. the buyer of the Republican presidential of America is Donald Trump ....
What is SBS ?
Special Boat Service
S.B.S is an acronym for the Special Naval Service of the British Army Special Forces unit, formed in 1940. S.B.S is considered as one of the role models of special forces for other countries.Its tasks include counter-terrorism reconnaissance and hostage-taking operations....
What is RSPCV ?
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Vermins
Society for the protection of animals (RSPCV), a porn tube, popular, environmental, and an international organization that is, by Professor manes this episode establishment with registered number 10719 of winter 1377 started to work as is. The association has reached the Ministry of Interior and the United Nations and the corporate registration office from a legal perspective.< < > the association was admitted to the International Society for the support of animals (WSPA) in November 2005 after 6 years of operation.

support forum of the beasts of the forum only support manufacturer from animal is with the purpose of support of the beasts, about the harassment, etc. shelter in danger of extinction, and efforts to create better living conditions for the animals is.< < > the association has raised criticisms of the way vermin populations are controlled killing by poisoning through poison or sterilization....
What is DGSE ?
Direction Générale de la Sécurité Extérieure‎
The Directorate General of foreign security (DGSE)، is the French Foreign Intelligence Agency operating under the supervision of the French Ministry of Defense.Is.This organization is equivalent to 6 UK and CIA us and is comparable to these two organizations. DGSE by gathering intelligence and conducting paramilitary and counterintelligence operations abroad, as well as economic espionage it ensures France's national security.The headquarters of yenen is in the 20th District of Paris...
What is DAP ?
Deutsche Arbeiterpartei
The Workers ' Party of yenelmany () was a political party with a short life in yenelmany after the first World War. It was the predecessor of the Nazi Party (National Socialist Workers ' Party of yenelman).the party was founded on 5 January 1919 in Munich, and on 24 February 1920 changed its name to the National Socialist Workers ' Party (NSP) yenelmann on 24 February 1920. Adolf Hitler, in July 1919, when members of the army was to research about the party workers went on, it is not in the same slice into Syria, they became interested. Shortly afterwards, he applied for a membership as instructed by his superiors, and a week later, the membership number 5 555 was accepted....
What is HPG ?
Hêzên Parastina Gel
The people's Defence Forces (e yen parastena GH L), abbreviated as Hop G (HPG), is the name of a Kurdish guerrilla group in Turkish Kurdistan. Hop G was formed during the seventh congress of the Kurdistan Workers ' Party in 2000. In the summer of 2004, HOPG ended a unilateral cease-fire campaign against the Turkish military....
What is ROK ?
Republic of Korea
The Armed Forces of the Republic of Korea or the national army of the Republic of Korea (yen) are the armed forces of South Korea. The Armed Forces of the Republic of Korea is one of the largest military forces in the world, with a manpower of 3٫305 0 000 in 2020 ( 555 000 active and 2 750 000 Reserve). South Korea has the tenth largest military budget among countries in the world, and its armed forces are ranked as the sixth most powerful military in the world in 2020.the Armed Forces of the Republic of Korea were established in 1948 after the establishment of the South Korean government after Korea gained independence from the Empire of Japan. South Korea's military forces are responsible for maintaining the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity, as well as participating in peacekeeping operations, humanitarian actions, and disaster relief in emergencies around the world.

What is BLA ?
Balochistan Liberation Army
The yenzadi army of Balochistan (yen YAL) is one of the secessionist groups in Pakistan working to secede the Pakistani state of Balochistan. The Balochistan Liberation Army, alongside other groups release crave Baloch (front for the liberation of Balochistan (BLF), the army of Republican Baloch (BRA), the United army Baloch (UBA), the Tigers democracy Balochistan (BLT), the guard for freedom-seeking Baloch (BLG) and the division of Balochistan (LB)) sought to become independent from the domination of the central government of Pakistan and the formation of the country are free.

The Balochistan Liberation Army, etc. by the government of the United States of America, the European Union, the United Kingdom and the government of Pakistan is a terrorist group poses comes in.[15] the group's headquarters is in Kandahar and in Afghanistan, but its main activities are in Balochistan state and against the Pakistani armed forces. The group is also accused of bombing and killing civilians and foreigners-ethnic cleansing and the removal of ethnic minorities in Balochistan. But the group claims it has never carried out a terrorist operation, and its sole purpose is to retake their homeland of Balochistan from its enemy Pakistan. They believe that Pakistan has been carrying out brutal massacres and looting of Balochistan's resources since 1948....