What is NGM ?
National Geographic Society
Foundation National on June 27, 1888 (June 1267) by 33 scientist and tourists who are interested in forming a community to enhance and develop science, geography., Washington, D.C., was established .
one of the founders of the foundation, "Alexander Graham Bell", the inventor of the phone was that since the Hubbard Greene Gardiner presidency of this institution was assumed. The idea of using the photo next to articles that are of the main factors for the popularity of the magazine are expected to be the "bell".
Mr. John.Fahey (John M. Fahey,) president of National Geographic about the aim of the National says: "We aim to encourage people to interested in them the direction of the attention and care of the planet, Sean."
now, the chairman of the board of trustees, Foundation, National Geographic, Mr. Gilbert is that a medal of "freedom", 2005 the US government for "the leadership of teaching geography" is received .
Foundation National Geographic by 23 member board of Directors consists of a group of teachers will highlight scientists, former officials of the government and environmentalists, the bureau .
television network, National Geographic, from the date of 23 Sep 1390 Times, October 15, 2011 National Geographic Channel's English is also launched.