Today, Saturday، 29 Mar 2025 - 11:17

Acronym Finder

What is DVM ?
Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
Folk specialized veterinary...
What is C3 ?
Colorectal Cancer Coalition
C3 stands for three words Colorectal Cancer Coalition means imaging, tomographic computer.
CT technology computer simulation to generate the image, three-dimensional, which uses the possibility to examine all the colon and rectum with the least amount of invasion. In the study, ACRIN Sponsored by the Institute for the National Cancer (NCI), which is part of the Institute of National Health (NIH). more than 2,600 patient in the 15 spot of the world attended. This is the study of a few for comparing the accuracy CT with the new technology with colonoscopy conventional (standard). The results of the study on September 18, 2008 in study, New England Journal of Medicine publication)....
What is MD ?
Doctor of Medicine
Doctorate of Medicine (abbreviated MD) is from the phrase, the Latin Medicinæ Doctor meaning teacher of Medicine is taken, a degree of the University, Ph. D. to the physicians....
What is SLE ?
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Lupus released or lupus systemic name of a disease. The abbreviation it SLE.

This disease, any of a variety of autoimmune diseases in which the immune system, etc. against the organs and connective tissue, the insider action and the damage. The ladies in front of the disease, ten times more than men the injury.

the disease often skin and several internal organs, it is involved with The antibodies in the blood is associated. The clinical course of lupus includes periods of activity and improve.
What is FBS ?
Fetal Bovine Serum
FBS or FCS, a part of blood plasma that is, after coagulation, the blood that remains in during this process, proteins, plasma fibrinogen conversion to fibrin in the blood clot remains. FBS from the circulatory system, closed-vein thrombosis of the fetus cows in a slaughterhouse the preparation. This serum full consumption of serum in cell culture is because the amount of antibodies it is at the lowest level and the amount of growth factors it is very likely that this is the flexibility for use in a variety of fields to it.
proteins and albumin bovine serum ( BSA ), The main compounds, FBS make up. Environment of protein-rich FBS, retaining and durability of the cells cultivated in culture environment, and increase the growth, division and survival of cells....
What is PNN ?
Probabilistic Neural Network
A type of neural network is that the probability of membership of a sample to a class estimates. In fact, the typical network is that the density function (probability density function) estimates . Hence, it
PNN say .

this particular type of artificial neural network a Category general solution for the issues categories, the patterns using the probabilities obtained based on the theory of decision biz provides....
What is POS ?
Polcystic Ovary Syndrome
Polycystic ovarian syndrome or syndrome ovarian (POS), the most common disorders of the Endocrine () in women and the most common cause of sterility caused by lack of ovulation.

the naming of this syndrome, because the presence of the ovaries, including a large number of cysts (in most women with and not at all) is that in the outer layer of each ovary is located.

women suffering from this disease symptoms common such disorders has (especially blood, ()), the symptoms like (hirsutism) and acne, alopecia, and Sterility.Patients exposed to serious side effects such as increased risk of endometrial cancer and, diss interestingly all the ... etc. heart disease and diabetes. The prevalence of obesity and diss interestingly all in patients with PCOS more from healthy women. 40% of women patients. suffer from obesity, and 75 before barren.

This condition almost 6 to 10 percent of all women who are of childbearing age, can be seen. The cause of the illness mentioned is not clear, but researchers believe that hereditary factors and diabetes on the rise it plays....
What is CMT ?
Charcot Marie Tooth
Marie (briefly CMT is a congenital disease, neurological, congenital, and genetic-environmental extremely heterogeneous, which is in every two and a half thousand people suffered from it. Marie the most common diseases in the neuropathy, nervous system environment.

of cell, type of disease Marie there.
- Type A or type demineralization. in this type, in effect, disease, Axon, neuron, motor to browse the myelin, your lose.
- type two or type ; can this kind of in effect, the disease, the axons of the motor neurons to the review of the process.