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What is POS ?

Polcystic Ovary Syndrome

Polycystic ovarian syndrome or syndrome ovarian (POS), the most common disorders of the Endocrine () in women and the most common cause of sterility caused by lack of ovulation.

the naming of this syndrome, because the presence of the ovaries, including a large number of cysts (in most women with and not at all) is that in the outer layer of each ovary is located.

women suffering from this disease symptoms common such disorders has (especially blood, ()), the symptoms like (hirsutism) and acne, alopecia, and Sterility.Patients exposed to serious side effects such as increased risk of endometrial cancer and, diss interestingly all the ... etc. heart disease and diabetes. The prevalence of obesity and diss interestingly all in patients with PCOS more from healthy women. 40% of women patients. suffer from obesity, and 75 before barren.

This condition almost 6 to 10 percent of all women who are of childbearing age, can be seen. The cause of the illness mentioned is not clear, but researchers believe that hereditary factors and diabetes on the rise it plays.