Today, Sunday، 22 Dec 2024 - 15:50

Acronym Finder

What is DA ?
Dopamine (DA) is a compound of the family of catecholamines and phenethyl that plays a vital role in the body and brain. Dopamine is synthesized from its precursors in the brain and kidneys، dopamine is also synthesized in most plants and animals. Dopamine plays a role in the brain as a neurotransmitter and a hormonal role in the blood، dopamine is stored mainly in the vesicles (microclimate)of the dopaminergic neurons and also in the glands in the neuron.there are several dopamine pathways in the brain called dopaminergic pathways، dopamine plays the most important role in generating pleasure and reward.increased dopamine in certain areas of the brain known as the reward center creates a sense of euphoria (reward), which is why dopaminergic drugs are used in large quantities. Dopamine also plays a role in the control of the motor system, so that with the loss of dopaminergic neurons, the cause of Parkinson's disease appears. Other functions of dopamine in the brain are to control and regulate the secretion of hormones. Dopamine reduces the secretion of prolactin by stimulating the two-dopamine receptor (22), thereby also affecting milk production.

on the outside of the brain and in the body, dopamine, the role of hormonal there. dopamine in the blood of the liberation of norepinephrine helps prevent and causes a narrowing of the blood vessels is recommended. in the kidney excretion of sodium and urine volume increases. It decreases the secretion of insulin from the pancreas and also reduces the mobility of the digestive tract....
What is GTT ?
One of the forms of making and taking liquid drugs in pharmacy is drops (abbreviated Gtt) such as acetaminophen drops. Drops except Pediatric Drugs in eye medications - nose and earphones are also widely used. In medicine drops have a standard shape that equals one CC (ML) every twenty drops. Graded injection syringes can be used if you need to know the exact amount of medication or other fluid in milliliters (CC)....
What is FX ?
Bone fracture (abbreviated F UR or Fx ، fx or...
What is CMR ?
Cardiac Magnetic Resonance
Cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging (r RA، also known as RAR cardiac) is a non-invasive imaging technique of the function and structure of the cardiovascular system. The sequence OFR Andr has been adapted for heart imaging using (ECG) and high time resolution protocols. Development is an active field of research and we continue to see a rapid expansion of new and emerging techniques.

MRI of the cardiovascular supplement other methods of imaging, such as SUNO X-ray, etc., CT scan, cardiac, medical and nuclear. This method plays an important role in evidence-based diagnostic and therapeutic pathways in cardiovascular disease. Applications of CMR include the evaluation of disease coronary arteries, etc. diseases of the muscles, the heart, inflammation of the muscles, heart, overflow and a lot of iron in the blood, vascular disease and congenital disease of the heart. This is a reference standard for assessing the structure and function of the heart.and for diagnosis and surgery in complex congenital heart diseases. very valuable.< < > associated with vasodilator stress( vasodilation) it plays a role in the diagnosis and description of myocardial ischemia (coronary artery disease) due to disease in the epicardial and microcardial arteries. Reinforcement of late gadolinium( EGE) and mapping1 1 to myocardial infarction and fibrosis (fibrous spoilage) allow for diagnosis of cardiomyopathy and assessment of viability. magnetic resonance neingiography may be performed with or without contrast and is used to evaluate maternal or acquired abnormalities of coronary arteries and large vessels.< < > barriers to wider application including limited access to well-equipped scanners lack of technicians and physicians with the skills to run a service relatively high costs and competitive diagnostic procedures....
What is MOH ?
Milk of Magnesia
Magnesium hydroxide 2 (oh) 2 or milk magnesium (mom) therapeutic category: enti acid and laxative. < < > stomach ulcers reflux and constipation. Anti-acids are used to treat symptomatic del shvbh with a lot of acid (burning SO digestion caused by acid and sour).

magnesium hydroxide as an anti-acid, etc. through chemical, stomach acid available to neutralize the track, but directly on the acid production does not affect. This effect increases PH the contents of the stomach and thus relieves My stomach acidity (sour). Magnesium hydroxide and magnesium oxide anti-acids are fast-acting but luminium hydroxide is slow-acting.long-term use in addition to causing dependence and reducing the absorption of certain medications and vitamins can cause gastrointestinal infections and urinary stones. Sleeping pollution, hypotension, diarrhea, , reducing the number of breath and heartbeat, sweating....
What is PXE ?
PseudoXanthoma Elasticum
Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is a genetic disease that causes mineralization of elastic fibers in some tissues. The most common problems arise in the skin and eyes, and later in blood vessels in the form of premature atherosclerosis. PXE is caused by autosomal recessive mutations in the ABCC6 gene on the short arm of chromosome 16 (16p13.1).

Usually, pseudoxanthoma elasticum affects the skin first, often in childhood or early adolescence. Small, yellowish papular lesions form and cutaneous laxity mainly affect the neck, axillae (armpits), groin, and flexural creases (the inside parts of the elbows and knees). Skin may become lax and redundant. Many individuals have \"oblique mental creases\" (horizontal grooves of the chin)...
What is BMP ?
Bone Morphogenetic Protein
Protein bone morphogenes a family of relative proteins with a range of complementary roles got its name from family members who are important in bone formation....
What is PTSD ?
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Post-psychiatric stress disorder or post-event stressful disorder (PTSD) is a syndrome or syndrome that occurs after observing a direct experience or hearing of a stressor and A severe stressor that can lead to real death or death threats or a serious accident....