Today, Monday، 24 Feb 2025 - 07:51

Acronym Finder

What is CPCR ?
Cardio Pulmonary Cerebral Resuscitation
Actions, that is, in order to restore blood circulation and lung ventilation during cardiac arrest, pulmonary done and it fit the purpose of the perform these actions keep the blood flow of the brain.Today, instead of the term CPR from CPCR used.

the symptoms of cardiac arrest-pulmonary :

1 - loss of consciousness 12 - 6 H after cardiac arrest, and sudden creation.

2, : the most important sign is that, as the absence of Pulse ك in children less than ك pulse ك not touch.

3 - the lack of sounds of heart, in the same heart

4 - the cessation of breathing : 30 - 15 seconds after cardiac arrest occurs.

5 - dilate ك,: 45 seconds after interruption of heart due to the lack of blood enough to the brain and ك system ك happen.Clinical death and the death of ك ( permanent)

clinical death :
to the interval between the onset of cardiac arrest, pulmonary, create lesions irreversible in the cells of the brain, is said to.
the two main symptom that and the lack of breathing.

death ك:
contains the leakage of blood and the killing .Blood spill due to sinking of the blood is that depending on the position of the patient. the lower body in ." case that a person suffers from stiffness in the jaw to. neck and extremities.In this case, doing CPR is useless and has not done.

The Golden time of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation :
interval between the onset of clinical death and create lesions irreversible in the cells of the brain, the golden time of cardio-pulmonary resuscitation can say that about 6-4 minutes is that if you do not take immediate action and correct CPR, the patient reversible and has Waste permanent in the brain, not created.Pours CPR faster start the chance of success is greater if the In H first start the chances of success up to 90% of the time and reaches with the passage of every one 10 minutes - 7 % chance of survival of the patient, reduction finds, so that after 10 minutes to approximately reaches zero.Steps to perform CPR, depending on the amount of training, CPR, manufacturer and facilities medical available in two levels basic and advanced split....
What is CEA ?
Carcino Embryonic Antigen
antigen, or Carcinoembryonic antigen, which refer to the CEA are called protein that is naturally in the tissues of the embryo evolving in the womb, found. Blood levels of this protein after the birth, decline, or disappears. In the adult the amount of abnormal CEA can be symptomatic of cancer.
by doing blood tests, can be Can the amount of CEA in blood measured.

the amount of natural (normal) CEA in people between The 2. the 5 micrograms per liter (mcg/l) and in smokers normal amount to between zero and 5 is variable.
high value of CEA in the blood of the person that recently because of cancer treatment has been marks the return of cancer. Higher amounts of a natural cancer, the following can be seen:
breast cancer (Breast Cancer)
cancer, device, urinary, and genital
cancer of the colon (large intestine)
lung cancer
pancreatic cancer
cancer of the thyroid...
What is TIA ?
Transient Ischemic Attack
Transient ischemic attack, or in medical term TIA to the state and the absence of transient and unstable from the imperfect performance and imperfect brain, or part of it, it can be said that, because it impaired blood flow(ischemia) to the brain. Expressed in more simple, when the blood supply to the brain is disturbed as well, but the time and intensity of this disorder is not leading to infarction(death of part of tissue) be the transient ischemic attack is called.

AL-Most factor in the attack, ischemia, there is an embolism, and blockage of one of the vessels of the brain by it. The origin and source of this embolism can plaque within the reggae derived from a atherosclerosis and or thrombosis remains a fibrillation in the heart. This eclipse in a very short time period occurs and so the damage is permanent, do not create. Transient ischemic attack or or your ATV with a group of other diseases, including high blood pressure, the diabetes, the migraine, the use of smoking and high cholesterol, is associated.

transient ischemic attack TIA, the signs almost similar to a stroke, and is also different people is very different, and, of course, to the place of occurrence (blockage) in the brain depends more include blurred vision or double vision in the eyes of the aphasia and difficulty in speaking, the hemiparesis, or weakness, and the relationship of brain on one side of the body, and vertigo is that all of these signs after appearing within an hour of the process.

diagnosis transient ischemic attack after the physician of the patient of the Test Physical was the adjourn to do a series of tests including a CT scan of the brain, an ultrasound of the carotid artery in the neck, and echocardiography(ECG) can be and in most cases, the cause of atherosclerosis is that in determined.

transient ischemic attack is often a warning for early stroke. In the meantime, to mitigate the risk of attack strategies presented include the following:

trying to reduce body fat, especially
the diet of fruit and veg and weight loss
reduce the sodium intake(such as sodium, contained in Salt)
the balance in the consumption of alcohol(or lack of use)
control and stabilize blood sugar levels and blood pressure...
What is MG ?
Myasthenia Gravis
Myasthenia gravis (from Greek roots: the weakness of a critical muscle, the μύς means muscles and ἀσθένεια means weakness; the term gravis from the Latin meaning solemn and large) with the symbol MG in neurology somehow paralyze the muscles that cause those activities, the safety of over-the-counter protein, the acetylcholine receptor at the synapses of the nervous-muscular. This disease specially end-plates of muscles, striated is that more women will get caught. Maximum prevalence of it in the third or fourth life. but it is possible at any period of life, from boyhood up, aging seen. of course, in the elderly, male and female equally affected.

symptoms myasthenia gravis, muscle weakness, is that when activity increases, and in the rest period may be reduced: Control the eye, movement of the eyelids, face, etc., chew, speak, and swallowing are often impaired..... also the muscles and respiratory muscles section, the underside of the body may be affected, although myasthenia gravis can affect any muscles involuntary affect, but the greatest disorder on the muscles that the Eye Control. Act of swallowing. move the eyelids, face enter. These signs are often immediately as myasthenia gravis diagnosed are not detect this disease may be up to more than a year before. In most cases, the first sign of illness, weakness of the eye muscles that cause diplopia, too. in other cases, it is possible, difficulty in swallowing or impairment in speaking, the first signs of the emergence of this disease....
What is LSA ?
Lympho Sarcoma
., the general term is to disorders, neoplastic malignant tissue are applied except in the case of Hodgkin's disease....
What is PEM ?
Protein Energy Malnutrition
protein - energy (PEM) is a type in which the amount of absorption of protein or calories, is inappropriate.

from a variety of protein-energy can be disorders of the following named:

protein-energy could, in effect, poor nutrition or disorders, because chronic renal failure that caused wasting protein can be, or cancer creating.

This type of in children is more serious to occur, because the absorption rate of protein, Terry. In developed countries, this disorder is very rare, and only children who can be seen that the fatty diet and inappropriate have or to milk are allergic....
What is AED ?
Automatic External Defibrillator
Device automatic external cardio-pulmonary resuscitation is the emergency department and wards, special care is used.
in advanced countries, in general such devices there....
What is ANL ?
Argonne National Laboratory
National Laboratory, argon, celebrity (ANL) is a scientific centre federal in the state of Illinois, USA.

fountain photon advanced part of the lab....