Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 07:15

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What is CEA ?

Carcino Embryonic Antigen

antigen, or Carcinoembryonic antigen, which refer to the CEA are called protein that is naturally in the tissues of the embryo evolving in the womb, found. Blood levels of this protein after the birth, decline, or disappears. In the adult the amount of abnormal CEA can be symptomatic of cancer.
by doing blood tests, can be Can the amount of CEA in blood measured.

the amount of natural (normal) CEA in people between The 2. the 5 micrograms per liter (mcg/l) and in smokers normal amount to between zero and 5 is variable.
high value of CEA in the blood of the person that recently because of cancer treatment has been marks the return of cancer. Higher amounts of a natural cancer, the following can be seen:
breast cancer (Breast Cancer)
cancer, device, urinary, and genital
cancer of the colon (large intestine)
lung cancer
pancreatic cancer
cancer of the thyroid