Today, Monday، 23 Dec 2024 - 23:55

Acronym Finder

What is HPV ?
Human Papilloma Virus
Human papillomavirus, or HPV, is a viral that more than all at the time of sexual intercourse, and through direct contact between the skin of the people is transferred. Over 100 types or strains of HPV is there. Most men and women who have this infection are from this thread unaware of. because in the body, they symptoms or health problems is not created. But in some cases, certain types of HPV can be in different parts of the body causing warts (lumps, abnormal and non-cancerous on the skin), or genital warts, can. In other cases, etc. certain types of HPV can lesions, pre-cancerous (i.e., areas, tissue and abnormal), or cancer creating.

almost 60 types of HPV are capable of causing warts, typical courses, that this wart, in some areas of the body such as the hands and feet, to arise. Almost 40 types of this virus, HPV, \"kind of large\" call, which may lead to genital warts. This virus, when the contact of the reproductive organs, etc. usually, during sex, from the way, or the best, from the personal to the other person. This virus can Way Sex, by Mouth, also be transferred. HPV is the most common agent of disease is through sexual intercourse transfer.

types of genital HPV can genital women, including the vulva (outer part of the vagina), the lining, and the neck of the uterus, the lower part and Slim a woman\'s uterus), as well as the genital area of men, including the penis, men\'s, infected. Both in women and in men, HPV genital can the anus and some areas of the head and neck, the contaminated formation. Sometimes, \"low-risk\" HPV, genital, etc. from all over more HPV – 6 and HPV – 11, can cause warts or lesions, genital on or around the these places to there comes. Size, shape, and number of these masses may be variable. and these lumps are rarely cancer leading to.

possibility of creating cancer by some types of genital HPV, more. and the variety HPV \"high-risk\" call. Usually, a safety device or infected with HPV low risk or high risk of this infection, gets rid of virus damage, does not enter. But in some people it causes inflammation and permanent (lasting), there comes that to Kennedy, etc., often over many years, causing changes in normal cells can be that the possibility of changes to create lesions, pre-cancerous or cancer lead....
What is JCT ?
Juxtaglomerular Cell Tumor
Tumor cells adjacent to the glomerular that its other name "" set and briefly "JGCT" or "JCT" can be said, are a kind of a very rare form of kidney cancer that, so far, only 100 cases of it reported.

these tumors usually secrete a enzyme renin and can cause high blood pressure and uncontrollable children and adult.

This cancer in adolescence and youth is more common and often call the tumor benign think, but how much it is likely to malignancy converter. not yet been determined.

this tumor for the first time in 1967, it was reported, and since then 100 cases of it reported. Review genetic in some patients has shown in the cancer, parts of chromosomes 9 and 11 is gone.

In this condition, in addition to high blood pressure (sustained and sometimes attack. secondary and hypokalemia also is likely, but patients also reported that any signs do not have.

When diagnosis, this disease often with "carcinoma of kidney" make mistakes and do "CT scan dynamics" can distinguish these two..

In most cases, the tumor coverage (within a capsule located) and with steel, it is treatable. Just a case of the spread (metastasis) of this tumor have been reported....
What is ENB ?
Esthesio Neuro Blastoma
Cancer), or ), (English: Esthesioneuroblastoma) is a rare form of cancer includes the nasal cavity, and it is believed that the epithelium of smell arise. That can cause vision loss, and taste. This is that often it is synonymous with “ smell”knows, but the tissue of origin is still not well clear. Along with 8 is observed. This is the first in 1924 was marked.

to report the BBC, only 200 cases of the disease worldwide in the past two decades has been recorded. In the United States of America between the years 1978 to 1990, only 84 cases have been reported....
What is E.coli ?
Escherichia coli
Escherichia coli, or in a glance E. coli, typical Bacillus gram-negative family that is common in the intestines of warm-blooded animals there. Most strains of E. coli, are not harmed, but some of The such as O157:H7, cause food poisoning and diarrhea. This strain, harassment, etc. part of the flora of the normal intestine. It is in the production of vitamin K2 play a role, and of the establishment of pathogenic bacteria in the intestine prevent. The bacteria, 0/1%, and the intestinal flora have to be allocated. This bacteria, through the path of fecal-oral route (oral - fecal) from one person to the other person passed.

the most common agent of urinary tract infection, which is about 90% of urinary tract infection in young women dedicated to the. Clinical signs of this infection for frequent urination, etc. burning, urinary, etc. blood in the urine and pus in the urine.

drift (divergence) free, and salmonella, at around 102 million years ago (between 57 to 176 million years ago) coincides with the derivation and evolution of host their happened: , mainly in mammals can be found, and salmonella in birds and reptiles can be found. After that, the derivation to 5 species E. albertii, etc., E. coli, E. fergusonii, etc., E. hermannii and E. vulneris have occurred. The last ancestor to E. coli., the 20 to 30 million years ago, the derivation the findings.

in 1885, the first time Theodore (Theodor Escherich), the bacteria in the feces of healthy people, finds it Bacterium coli commune called. Then, in 1895, by (Migula), a bacillus (Bacillus coli) was called, and later in the sex (in honor of its discoverer) re-classified. belongs to a group of bacteria called total coliform (coliforms). It is a member of the family ....
What is SAH ?
Sub Arachnoid Hemorrhage
Bleeding, , or bleeding Saab (SAH) is a type cerebral hemorrhage is usually due to brain damage caused. In some cases, the cause of its rupture, aneurysm, stroke, or congenital abnormalities of venous arterial in the brain. Increased blood pressure, status-enhancing estrogen, and drug can of the risk factors, the blood type plan.

This bleeding usually for extremely severe can be your show. Also, symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, , etc. symptoms of irritation of the meninges, reduction of consciousness and signs of focal nerve may be observed.

diagnosis with the use of a CT scan without the use of contrast takes place. In some cases, may be pulling the water up the spinal cord (LP) for the diagnosis used. Also, detection methods, other as The , CDs, t-, etc. can be used. The governor of the Golden diagnostic for aneurysm, cerebral angiography of brain vessels.

these patients are usually in intensive care (ICU) hospitalization. For the prevention or control of seizures from anti-seizure medications used. The use of nimodipine, and similar drugs together for the Prevention of the occurrence of recommended

of the effects of this haemorrhage is that during the 4-14 days after the occurrence of haemorrhage may create. detection and begin with the use of Doppler Sonography of the cerebral arteries. Other effects of this haemorrhage include hydrocephalus, etc. drop in sodium blood, diabetes insipidus, etc., arrhythmia can be....
What is TBI ?
Traumatic Brain Injury
Concussion (the symbol of the abbreviation TBI) occurs when a force exterior on the cerebral cortex be entered. Concussion based on severity of the. mechanism, or other features to be classified. A head trauma, due to the inclusion of the damage on the skull and head conceptually wider than the concussion. Concussion is one of the most important and the most common reasons of death or disability around the world. TBI in men more than women, and in children and adolescents more than adults and is generally due to accident, falling from a height, and a panic occurs....
What is RDS ?
Respiratory Distress Syndrome
Respiratory distress syndrome of newborns(or RDS) is a disorder of the lung life threatening which is caused by lack of surfactant.

this disorder mainly with the early being the baby in the relationship is at the helm of the causes of death of infants premature are located, because the lungs of the baby, premature in terms of the amount and also composition of surfactant defects.

baby, in the beginning of breathing, with severe of surfactant stored cell is the surface tension of cells, the perimeter decreases, but in this syndrome, the alveoli, because of a defect in the composition or the inadequacy of the surfactant on the sleeping () and , respiratory, and duct , and containing liquid, skip.

IRDS can be with the arrival of synthesized or with the origin of the animal into the lungs through the tube of a cure.

Also, with the infusion of Betamethasone in weeks 35 and 36 of pregnancy can be the rate of RDS decreased.

surfactant, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal as well....
What is GCS ?
Glasgow Coma Scale
Glasgow Coma Scale, or a thirty (GCS) criterion is to determine the depth of the in other words, the intensity drop of consciousness in the patients above 5 years. This scale is usually in traumatic brain injury, etc., EMS, and other items disturbed by a consciousness goes to work. The maximum rating a coma, 15 is and at least it 3. if the person is intubated, is the possibility to check the word, does not exist, and therefore, a minimum of 2T and maximum of 10T. Usually, in the absence of these criteria, less than 8 is recommended.

a CD of the three parts is composed. The first part related to the opening of the eyes is with the 4 score. Sector second verbal response is 5 score. The third part of the answer is motor with 6 score. In the description below, any number of equivalent scores is that patient in part the acquisition.

reply, (Eye response)-(E):

the lack of open eyes
in reaction to irritation, painful eyes open, the best mode of stimulating the use of the peripheral areas of the body is like squeezing the area of the crescent of the nail. It is better than stimulate the central areas, like squeezing the edge of the muscle is a trapezoid, because of the reaction of the fret (grimacing effect) is avoided.
in reaction to the sound eye open. Shouldn't this mode by waking up the patient sleeping wrong " because in this case the score is 4, Not 3
spontaneous and without external stimulation,
verbal response (V)-(Verbal response):

no response will not be given
having the word unintelligible, in this case the patient, a dictionary ADA does not, and only the sounds of does not like a disease that moaning.
the use of the vocabulary, irrelevant, etc., the patient talking to Ada but can't express these words in connection with a conversation targeted not.
The Conversation indicate confusion (Confusion) Have but able to answer questions, etc. of the patient, such as ADA does not, and these sentences in reply to questions, States, but, though these sentences in the context of a conversation, expression. some degree of confusion (confusion) or lack of awareness to time, place, or entities (disorientation) update gives
According to the word of the person absolutely to the environment, aware of and knowledgeable () . Reply, in answer to the questions consciously and correctly express can be
movement response (M)-(Motor response):

lack of motor response
unzip the limb in response to pain (situation ), in this mode the patient to the pain as the open up the elbow joint along with opening the knee joint and bend the joints of the feet to the soles of the feet respond
roll up the limb in response to pain (situation ) In this mode the patient to pain, as bend the elbow joint, along with open knee joint and bend the joints of the feet to the soles of the feet respond
so, the drag member in response to the pain. in this case, the patient his hand when the crescent of the nail he pressure can be applied, since it takes in a way that will be of operating as wouldn't away, and if the upper edge of the bowl, press Enter. Patient your hand to the side of, and examination into the location of the pain, move the data, but too much chin higher does not
do move in response to stimuli, painful, etc. the movements targeted for Round-Up factor painful to do and if the upper edge of the bowl, press enter. patient your hand to the side of, and examination into the location of the pain moving data to and from a limit chin higher
run command examination for moving the different parts of the body
After evaluating the three cases above, the numbers obtained are gathered together and as a thirty SS expression can be, for example: ji si SS person is quite vigilant against 15 (E4V5M6 = GCS15).

whence that reply ك in person, intubated, a reliable evaluation cannot. main resources in surgery and surgery of the brain and nerves, and the reference all the scores, 3T to 10T in person, intubated emphasis have, but at the same time say that the reply ك after 1 the calculation can be why is no sound TST, the patient production not. But here a problem of a mathematical update for him: if that the word score 1 crime in the Netherlands, whereby the minimum and maximum the person intubated, 3T and 11T will be if we score the word to such items and remove them in the Netherlands, whereby the minimum and maximum the person intubated, 2T, and 10T would be. In any case, the scores of 3T to 10T gotten not have been the issue in many cases place a question to the students and even the teachers were....