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What is BSE ?

Breast Self-Examination

Breast self-examination (abbreviated BSE) is one of a variety of methods to identify breast cancer early. This method just with your deal is that should any part of the tits that protrude in. the fractures, or the swelling is.

The BSE, the former as one of the main methods of finding cancer in its early stages, curable known. but the results one of the research, the RCT indicates this entry was that this method in the Prevention of death, of cancer, influential and not, in fact, cause the loss of through, are being required to biopsy and surgery.

a lot of methods for breast self-examination are used. Most methods proposed, in front of the mirror and bust up the front to occur, the person puts. He must then to the mirror for any outward symptoms of the bezel, swelling or redness in or around the breast. This should be in several different modes will be repeated, like the hands between the thigh and again on the head.

should be after it with the palm of the fingers, touch up any kind of bulge (what is apparent and what is indent in the tissue) or difficult to find. Several step different there are that must be that every step correctly performed make sure to be made.

step vertical includes moving the finger up and down on it. Step other it from the nipple starts, and goes out. Step circular or circular involves moving the fingers in the ring, up the center of the nipple to the outside. Some , proposes to divide, into four quadrants and checking each quadrant separately. The process of touch, etc., the entire breast is covered. including the "tail armpit" of each, that to each armpit extending a given. The medical, usually standing in front of the mirror and in a state of lying can be done.

finally, women who are breast-feeding or not should be gently, press up, mode, the drain or not material, inner, checked.

a variety of devices mnemonic device as a training provider, are used. One of those with the name of seven the wake of SS (the seven P's of BSE) to be known, that because of the seven letters, the first of the seven steps, this is the truth or not of the same name is known: state, environment, touch, the pressure, pattern, practice and planning.

for women before menopause, most methods show that this self-examination due to fluctuations in hormones, change in breasts, in the same stage of the menstrual cycle, done. When, most of all, recommended, just after the end of the menstrual period, or period, is because of this that, at this time less hard and swollen. Women who, after menopause, or irregular periods. can your once a month regardless of menstrual cycle, self-examination.