Today, Monday، 23 Dec 2024 - 01:45

Acronym Finder

What is DHF ?
Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever
Dengue fever (Dengue fever) is the name of a disease is viral. It dengue, fever, dengue fever and Bone Crusher have said.

the disease, through mosquitoes, to name -to-human transmitted. The mosquito that to the Tiger Asian celebrity has been in the tropical regions of the world, especially Southeast Asia, including Malaysia, there. The disease has recently spread a lot of economic and human losses a lot of legislation is laid out. The symptoms of this disease, headaches, low back pain, back pain, fever, usually severe and, in some cases, itching and pimples in different parts of the body.

dengue fever infection is by virus, dengue can be created. Mosquitoes are the agents moved (or the player) of the virus are. Dengue fever as "fever of the Bone Breaker" will also be known, because, due to severe pain resulting from ill thought to slow bone flared is breaking are. Some symptoms of dengue fever include fever, headaches, sensitivity of the skin similar to measles, and pain in muscles and joints. Possible dengue fever in a small number of patients to one of two species of dangerous and deadly turn. Any first Fever, hemorrhagic dengue, which causes bleeding, secretion of fluids out of the blood vessels (veins carry blood) and reducing blood platelet (agent, blood clots) can be. The second species syndrome shock dengue that causes the pressure drop becomes sharp. Virus dengue 4 of different kinds. If the individual to a kind of virus with it. the rest of his life to that type of virus immunity is. Although, against the three other species only to a limited immunity is. If later, to one of the other three types of this virus to be afflicted, you may create serious problems for him to be created.

vaccine to avoid catching the virus dengue is not there. Tip a little to prevent catching the virus, and dengue there. People should be against mosquitoes, protect yourself and read stung with a bite to it's limit. Also, to offer the scientists can be the habitat of mosquitoes that will result in the number of mosquitoes available to reduced. If anyone suffered from dengue fever and was in the event that the mild disease of. To Recovery, have plenty of fluids to drink. If anyone has any of the disease was diagnosed with need of IV fluids, (liquids that via a syringe, or serum to the vessel, the injection can be), and blood transfusion (infusion of blood from another person to a patient) would be. From the 1960s, more and more people to dengue fever patients are. This disease from World War II to the global problem has become, in over 110 countries outbreaks have 100-50 million per year to be afflicted with it are. A lot of people to find the vaccine and pharmaceuticals for the rapid treatment of the virus in trying. Also, to get relief from mosquitoes things differently are doing.

the first descriptions of dengue fever in the year 1779 have written. In the early of the twentieth century. scientists found that the disease, by virus, dengue created and through the mosquito-transmitted (or broadcast) can be....
What is ESRD ?
End Stage Renal Disease
Kidney disease, the final stage...
What is PLP ?
Pyridoxal Phosphate
PLP vitamin phosphate that in the presence of phosphate, and to help enzyme kinase from , etc. and (different forms of B6) comes in and plays a very important role in biochemical reactions, including protein metabolism (amino acids), the neurotransmitters (acid gamma-aminobutyric and. serotonin, etc), glycogen and ... vitamin B6 is essential for the production of niacin (vitamin B3) from the amino acid tryptophan, etc. metabolism of hemoglobin (a protein found in red blood cells) and... there....
What is PMD ?
Pellucid Marginal Degeneration
Foreign bodies, or the hump of the cornea (Keratoconus), a disease of the cornea of the eye. This disease, usually in their teens or early third decade of life occurs. In this disease the cornea is thin and its shape is changed. The cornea naturally form a rounded or spherical, but in foreign bodies (keratoconus the cornea), the cornea bulges and tapered shape can be. This change on the refraction of light when entering the eye effect and reduced clarity of vision can be. Foreign bodies may be in one or both eyes occur, but 90 % of cases both eyes can be seen.

recognize foreign bodies (keratoconus the cornea) may be due to the occurrence and slow progress of it difficult. This disease may be with myopia and astigmatism is associated with the result may lead to lack of clarity and blurred vision be. The patient may also suffer from Aura, nose, and sensitivity to light. Patients are usually at any time, a visit to the eye doctor version their change to the hive after a while, remain constant.

the cause of the foreign bodies (the hump of the cornea) is still not known. However, this disease is hereditary, but the genetics of the ... environment, or some disease, probably in the incidence of effective. Rub firmly the eyes, although the cause of keratoconus, the cornea is not, but in the process of creating it ineffective is not, therefore, to patients with keratoconus the cornea is recommended that rubbing the eye, to avoid.

the disease is usually between ten and twenty years after the occurrence of resonance can be ( and the patient becomes more) and even in some cases to see the patient hurts, but fortunately, it is not dangerous. Keratoconus the cornea advanced and untreated one of the common causes of corneal transplant is the transplant of the cornea generally results successfully there.

in the past in patients with keratoconus the cornea of the applied laser surgery such as LASIK – Lasek or PRK wasn't use, because they cause aggravation disease was, but with the advent of the technique (Collagen Cross-Linking, or CXL) can be used for time or in the next step troubleshoot the refractive eye (no eye) with a laser (usually PRK) treated....
What is ILD ?
Interstitial Lung Disease
Diseases published lungs called disease, interstitial lung (ILD), also called. Agent damage to the lungs in this group of diseases is possible through direct toxicity and by creating an inflammatory response or to intermediary reactions immunological to be created. In a disease published lung with the entry of inflammatory cells into the interstitial tissue of the lungs. far out in space and vascular space housewife along that creates or inflammation of the veins can be, and in full and continuity in the process. pulmonary fibrosis happens. In some cases, the disease agent is identified, but in most cases, the unknown remains and just reply It is visible. Radiation external and some medications may also cause disease published pulmonary return....
What is MERS-COV ?
Middle East Respiratory Syndrome CoronaVirus
Coronavirus upload (Coronaviruses) a large family of viruses that are Disease different from common colds taken up syndrome, acute and severe respiratory or the same as the SARS (SARS) make. This condition is called Syndrome, respiratory failure, Middle East, is known briefly that MERS-CoV can be read....
What is GRID ?
Gay-Related Immune Deficiency
Immunodeficiency related to homosexuality...
What is IVD ?
Induced Vaginal Delivery
An induced vaginal delivery is a delivery involving labor induction, where drugs or manual techniques are used to initiate the process of labor. Use of the term \"IVD\" in this context is less common than for instrumental vaginal delivery....