What is PMD ?
Pellucid Marginal Degeneration
recognize foreign bodies (keratoconus the cornea) may be due to the occurrence and slow progress of it difficult. This disease may be with myopia and astigmatism is associated with the result may lead to lack of clarity and blurred vision be. The patient may also suffer from Aura, nose, and sensitivity to light. Patients are usually at any time, a visit to the eye doctor version their change to the hive after a while, remain constant.
the cause of the foreign bodies (the hump of the cornea) is still not known. However, this disease is hereditary, but the genetics of the ... environment, or some disease, probably in the incidence of effective. Rub firmly the eyes, although the cause of keratoconus, the cornea is not, but in the process of creating it ineffective is not, therefore, to patients with keratoconus the cornea is recommended that rubbing the eye, to avoid.
the disease is usually between ten and twenty years after the occurrence of resonance can be ( and the patient becomes more) and even in some cases to see the patient hurts, but fortunately, it is not dangerous. Keratoconus the cornea advanced and untreated one of the common causes of corneal transplant is the transplant of the cornea generally results successfully there.
in the past in patients with keratoconus the cornea of the applied laser surgery such as LASIK – Lasek or PRK wasn't use, because they cause aggravation disease was, but with the advent of the technique (Collagen Cross-Linking, or CXL) can be used for time or in the next step troubleshoot the refractive eye (no eye) with a laser (usually PRK) treated.