What is ROP ?
Retinopathy Of Prematurity
In Children, premature birth, growth and evolution of the blood vessels of the retina are still not perfect. Probably the process of ROP is that the birth of the baby early with the process of normal retina, interference does. The growth of the retina in the period after the birth in the environment of unstable and high oxygen takes place and the impact of stimulation induced hypoxia on the development of the vascular network of the retina is reduced. The result of it, the delay in vascular disease of the retina that eventually leads to angiogenesis, pathological (vessels, non-natural) and can be. The problem blood vessels abnormal this is enough oxygen to the retina, not the latter.
retinopathy in premature infants, depending on the severity of the disease to a 5 degree split. The progression of the disease to varying degrees, the end (Dragged Macula), can lead to scarring in the retina and complications such as detached shrinkage, retina, etc. haemorrhage vitreous, etc. deviation of the eyes and the laziness of the eyes. A lot of babies with retinopathy suffer from myopia, will.
because baby can not do your symptoms tell parents and physicians should understand risk factors that the likelihood of catching the disease much they are. These factors include:
low birth weight (1٫5 kg or less)
the need for oxygen in the first week after birth
support respiratory long
this risk is also possible with interventions aimed at the delivery of oxygen to tissues increases, such as blood transfusions or treatment with erythropoietin more. Conversely, the cases, the factors that effects have antioxidant such as bilirubin concentration and vitamins E, in some studies, with decreased risk of ROP along have been.
babies that the risk of ROP should have a Week 4 to 6 after birth, the eye examination medical become. Eye doctor use drops, vasodilator, etc. the pupil to open, and then the retina sees. Examinations periodically to determine whether disease progression has stopped or not, and whether the treatment there is a need or not necessary.
some of the children who treatment of ill health in the limit of Grade 1 or 2 is no treatment recover. In other cases, in case the patient symptoms of the disease Grade 3 or higher and show the treatment is necessary. To prevent the release of the vessels, abnormal may be areas of the retina with a method called cryotherapy treat. In this method, parts of the retina gets frozen. The laser may thus be used. In both methods, permanent scars in the peripheral retina remain, but in most cases, this method of therapy in maintaining vision center patient . In case of retinal detachment surgery is required.