What is LASIK ?
Laser-Assisted Stromal In-situ Keratomileusis
In this surgery. eye doctor to shape the cornea and correct diagnostic, refractive, similar, Lasek of excimer laser uses; and the use of the device and remove the top layer of the cornea. vision correction surface of the cornea is done. Often patients after surgery, until the end of life or years, does not require the use of glasses will not be found.
Dr. Gholamali treaty, the Iranian scientist a resident of the United States of America and members of the "Hall of Fame, world medicine" and ... the inventor of this surgical procedure. The minister of Health, the current, etc., Dr. Ghazizadeh Hashemi, etc. issues remain to LASIK eye surgery in the country. These practices are now spread a lot of Risen, and in 2011, over 11 million Lasik surgery in the U.S. is done.
This type of surgery may help, ... a little pain ... usually one or three days after the operation heals, and does not require bandages and stitches.