What is IMS ?
Irritable Male Syndrome
despite the fact that the pre-menstrual syndrome in women, only takes few days, some men in longer time the unpleasant emotions you experience and sometimes without the involvement of specialists, the ability to drop from these scenarios will not. Men who have symptoms for several months experience. get rid of this scenarios, without treatment, serious and long-term is not possible.
in 1972, two researchers Georgetown University for the first time this problem were introduced, and, according to the research, 16 years old, they are hormonal changes that during the period 4 to 6 weeks, occurs the morale and mood of the men changed to that of so sad and aggressive may change.
in 2001, during a research it was found that reducing testosterone, blood, beasts, mammal, male, like Twilight, etc. elephants, deer, etc., deer, sensitivity, and mood changes in them to bring in the humans only, is subject to a decrease of testosterone does not increase cortisol and reduce of serotonin, also are effective.