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What is HBSAG ?

Hepatitis B Surface AntiGen

Hepatitis B or hepatitis B, some sort of disease, infectious, viral humans is the hepatitis virus (HBV, a friend, he), it is operating. The most damage this disease is noticed the liver, the patient. The virus of this disease can cause both, acute or chronic. Hepatitis B is one of the most serious types of hepatitis, causes. In many patients, at the beginning of the contamination and infection, initial trace of the disease symptoms cannot be seen. In some start and rapid development of the disease, with vomiting, yellowing of the skin, fatigue, dark urine and abdominal pain along. These signs are often one or two weeks after the find, and rarely comes to that, the initial infection causes the death of the patient. The beginning of the occurrence of symptoms of the disease may take 30 to 180 days to the last. Among those at birth, this pollution will experience approximately 90% of hepatitis B, it is chronic, while less than 10% of patients who, after five years of age become infected, hepatitis B, the chronic would be. More those who have the disease to have chronic no signs of the disease do not show. however, in the end, this pollution can be affected with disease, cirrhosis, cancer, liver (Hepatocellular carcinoma) help, and it's more complex. In effect, this complex, statistics of death in its wake disease, 15 to 25 percent more than others.

the transmission of this virus by exposure to blood or fluids, biologically contaminated body of an infested person. In areas where the disease is rampant and canvas birth. this transition at the time of birth or the way of contact with blood of other people in childhood, the most common way of transmission of hepatitis B is. In areas where this rare disease. the most common manner of release of the infection from path users intravenous injection of drugs, and sexual intercourse.

cover the hepatitis B virus consists of three polypeptide for investigation, is that protein, the main Small (S), Middle (M) and Large (L), creates and, respectively, by Sequence, Gene S, Pre-S1 and Pre-S2 coding. Polypeptide s has a molecular weight of 24 kilo Daltons 226 , etc. by the S surface antigen of the virus coded can be called protein is the main (Major)can be read in ... that includes , Saab common, etc. (a) and (d/y , w/r). Based on the variables biochemical and genetic observed in the HBsAg isolated from different strains of HBV, the virus to and different classified.