Today, Friday، 24 Jan 2025 - 00:42

Acronym Finder

What is SSRIs ?

Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors

Inhibitors of the reuptake of serotonin by the acronym SS (SSRIs) category of drugs, anti-depressants, which are for the treatment of depression and some types of anxiety disorders, and disorders of personality are used. SS , groups of an antidepressant drug in the United States and some other countries are and all of them except the venlafaxine is an antidepressant for treatment of major depressive disorder have been accepted. Panic, scurry, and. compulsive disorder, intellectual, practical, social anxiety disorder etc. anxiety disorder pervasive disorder stressful after the event from other diseases that are and Drug Administration food in the United States one or a few types of these medications to treat it, confirmed. Believe that these medications the amount of serotonin's-cell to increase, and this, from the way to prevent the reuptake of a quick serotonin, in the neural receptors remaining in the plasma are doing. In the result, the concentration of serotonin in the gap, synaptic goes up and serotonin is more at the disposal of the receptors after synaptic academic resource teacher. SS to some extent on the transferor, and dopamine also are effective.

the application of original SS in the treatment of clinical depression. SS , frequently for anxiety disorders, are prescribed, such as anxiety, social disorders, panic, etc. obsessive compulsive disorder., the treatment of eating disorders, chronic pain, and sometimes more. post-traumatic stress disorder. They are also often used for the treatment of disorder of the metamorphosis characters are used. Though, generally, with results poor, together.

the simultaneous use of SS with monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs) is dangerous and may lead to the incidence of serotonin syndrome acute. It is recommended that at least 2 weeks between taking the last dose of MAOI and start drugs SSRI the distance.

tramadol another drug that in rare cases in the simultaneous intake with SS lead to the occurrence of seizures.

taking SS May the concentration of drugs, because warfarin combinations of anti-arrhythmia, etc. like , anti-depression, and three rings, such as CU amitriptyline, etc. benzodiazepines, including alprazolam, diazepam, etc., carbamazepine, etc. haloperidol, etc. , etc. , etc. , etc., theophylline, etc. methadone, etc. lithium will increase and lead to poisoning.

In general, drugs of this group, citalopram and then sertraline lowest drug interactions and Citalopram is an antidepressant most likely to interfere.