Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 13:41

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What is UTI ?

Urinari Tract Infection

Urinary tract infection (UTI) is an infection of bacterial is the part of the urinary tract affects. When infection of the lower urinary tract to be affected does simple (bladder infection) is called, and when the upper urinary affects to it, prostatitis, pyelonephritis (kidney infection) is said to be.Symptoms related to lower urinary tract are excreted the urine along with the pain, either frequent urination or urge to urine (or both), while the symptoms related to pyelonephritis include fever and flank pain, along with symptoms related to urinary tract infection lower. These symptoms in the elderly, or the very low age may be vague or uncertain. The main factor of both types of this infection, E. coli is, however, very rarely, bacteria. viruses, or fungus may also cause it. Infections of the urinary tract, usually in women than in men, occur more often, because half of the women during their lives, at least to an infection, the sufferer. Re-occurring disease is common. Risk factors include: anatomy, body, women, sexual intercourse and family history. Pyelonephritis in the event of, usually after infection of the bladder appear, but it may be caused by infection, blood-borne as well. Diagnosis of the disease in healthy women, and young only based on the symptoms of possible. In people who have symptoms, it is ambiguous, you may diagnose the condition difficult because it is possible for bacteria to exist, but infection not observed. In complicated cases or if treatment has failed, is urine culture helpful. In people with frequent infections, etc. can be of low-dose antibiotics as a preventive measure. In cases , etc. urinary tract infections can be easily with the consumption of antibiotics in a short period of treatment. although the resistance against many of the antibiotics used for the treatment of this disease is increasing. In complex cases, etc. may be necessary the course of treatment longer are or need to inject antibiotics IV., and in the event that symptoms in the last two or three days to recover? it is necessary diagnostic tests done more. In women, urinary tract infections, the most common form of bacterial infection is, and every year 10% to the amount of urinary tract infections, can be added.