What is LDH ?
Lactate De Hydrogenase
dehydrogenase (LD h) an enzyme that the hydride (compound of hydrogen) from one molecule to the molecule, pass another. Lactate dehydrogenase reaction, conversion acid (the final product ) to lactic acid, and the reaction conversely, it , so that when the reaction of oxidation-reduction of nicotinamide Di nucleotide (NADH) occurs ((NADH) (NAD ) conversion, and then reverse it occurs.)
the enzyme lactate dehydrogenase from five is formed, including:
lactate dehydrogenase 1 (LDH-1), which is typically at the heart of is available.
lactate dehydrogenase 2 (LDH-2), which is typically in the machine, the alien-Eater, neuron, single-core (Mononuclear phagocyte system) is available.
lactate dehydrogenase 3 (LDH-3), which is typically in the lungs and other tissues is available.
lactate dehydrogenase 4 (LDH-4), which is typically in the kidneys – pair (Anatomy) and the pancreas is available.
lactate dehydrogenase 5 (LDH-5), which is typically in the liver and skeletal muscles is available.
in individuals, the natural and healthy lactate dehydrogenase 2 has the highest percentage of lactate dehydrogenase, total make.