What is HTN ?
the blood pressure with the amount of blood that is the heart pumped and the amount of resistance created against the flow of blood to be defined. The more the amount of more blood by the heart to be pumped and the arteries become narrower and tightened, have higher blood pressure.
usually, high blood pressure, after long years, life is created, and finally, almost all of it with Will. Fortunately high blood pressure can be easily detected, and after this that the person found suffer from high blood pressure is Can your physician in order to control its cooperation .
every time your heart beats., the blood within the arteries pump. At this time your blood pressure is at its highest and the pressure or Max can be read.
When your heart - in the interval between two beats - in the rest, placed, etc. your blood pressure comes down to which pressure diastolic, or minimum, say.
high blood pressure i.e. the pressure more than 140, and pressure, diastolic greater than 90.
at an early age, mainly high and, in old age, usually ballast . The importance of high and in a limit .
the prevalence of hypertension in communities is increasing the Risk factor, it is like diabetes, include immobilization and sedentary lifestyle, etc. life style, improper use of Fast food, is that all of these factors cause obesity . Between obesity and high blood pressure there is a direct relationship . Per Kg 3 Weight Loss, blood pressure, mmHg, 5/0, reduced .
4/1 total population with hypertension . In the ages of the top 50-40 2/1 population have high blood pressure . In conclusion, blood pressure is a function of age . In an outbreak of the same, and the function of sex is not . Due to the fact that all the important organs like heart, brain, vision, etc. all affect. of great importance .
After diabetes is the second cause of chronic renal failure. on the other hand, much of the diabetic, high blood pressure. patients are usually low. the patient due to the sense of not disease and no sign of its being so hard to justify can be that medications, end of life, and in time, the exact consumption .
in the blacks outbreaks and further complications . Perhaps because of genetic factors or low levels of life or income necessary for a visit to the doctor and preparation drugs .