What is MTA ?
Mineral Trioxide Aggregate
during the 20 years after the introduction of the ... applications more for this matter was proposed. Now, it in the treatment of surgery Pari ك, treatment teeth of a root and open the treatment of PULP Live is used. Now this substance in some countries including Brazil and Argentina is produced. In Iran the article another name CEM cement by Mr N made and the introduction was (1384). In this article a suitable substitute for MTA and necessary for the use of the organ of The overcome obtaining). Now MTA and CEM cement in the Iranian market available, and available dentists. Of this material in Dental Medicine for the teeth of , coverage, direct, pulp, etc. lining, indirect pulp treatment, PULP Live, Closing teeth treat the teeth of a ك (live and abiotic stresses), and surgery of Pari ك used. These alternative materials is very suitable for ك in the treatment of the teeth of and كك in the treatment of dental pulp of adult and immature are considered.
in the study and research of National, which recently commissioned by the Ministry of Health and by researchers at 5 University of ... specified from MTA and CEM cement can be as the material composition of the environmental compatible treatment the teeth of patients with irreversible. This method, it is important that it be Annual of the extracted getting hundreds of thousands of dental country in children and adolescents, prevention. This method, compared to root canal therapy is much easier and cost is more and the equipment and materials, if you needs. Though that it should be noted that the treatment of the PULP Live in all the teeth that need root canal therapy have to do and run is not just in cases when the tooth suffering from disease particular and in the stage of the disease is. Diagnosis the possibility of the use of this treatment with the dentist. Obviously, the dentist was to do the treatment, the need for training is necessary. Now, the vast dental doctors working in the health network of the country (and all universities of Medical Sciences) the course during the work, and the ability to do this work. It seems this technique in the future be responsive to the part of the needs of the medical community. Obviously, the recommendations and prescription of any practical in the treatment area and the health of the people requires research and study, and during the stages of administrative and executive, is the design, the steps to appropriately during.