Today, Friday، 28 Mar 2025 - 07:12

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What is CVA ?

Cerebro Vascular Accident

Stroke disorder neurological sudden is due to vessels, focal reliable assignment is looking for its blood supply to the area that suffered a stroke, has been disrupted.

In other words, if the blood supply to part of the brain impaired and suspended the part of the brain can no longer function in their natural. This condition called a stroke call. A stroke can be to other words, like closure, or rupture of one of the vessels of blood providing the brain created. Infarction of brain in men more than women.

usually, before the occurrence of stroke warning signs, does not exist, or because the symptoms are very minor. After the incidence of stroke, the patient should be immediately hospitalized him of the injuries permanent to the brain to prevent. Complications that day of a stroke can be caused depends on the location of the stroke and the extent of tissue has caught the brain. The complications of the stroke of the side effects are mild and transient, like blurred vision, the crippling effects of permanent, or even death, will be included.
if these symptoms during the 24 hours eliminated, this condition called transient ischemic attack (transient ischemic attack) called that a warning sign of a stroke is possible in the future. Stroke is the third cause of death in the world.

hit the stroke in Iran is also not so good. Iranian doctors say people in Iran 10 years earlier than other countries to stroke with. Specialists physical inactivity, etc. the indiscriminate use of salt and fat, obesity, smoking and in the total diet, improper food-factor for the move to the stroke Iranians know. Based on statistics, track and field, ischemic stroke in men and 25 percent more than women. The secretary of the Association of stroke in Iran believes that this stroke as the second cause of death in Iran and some countries in progress.

research shows, though, the nobility the second language, probably, associated with health, physical looks, but apparently this skill of the brain against the devastating damage to the functions of the brain and protect people who speak two languages skills. the probability of recovery and treatment in case of stroke, two against the others.