What is CFZ ?
Chabahar Free Zone
the port of Chabahar, because of the position strategic, which is the closest access road countries, landlocked Central Asia (Afghanistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan) to water is of great importance, one is construction and investment in abundance, it takes place in..., including the construction of berths and increase the capacity of loading ocean-going ships (in the Gulf of Chabahar), and the construction of the railway towards Central Asia and the construction of the International Airport. This port is one of the most important crossroads of corridor north-south, business is global.
Chabahar, in addition to location, business, etc., has attractions, plentiful historical and natural. The climate of the city and around it is always spring, and is moderate and for this reason, Chabahar () is called. Chabahar city center, Chabahar, which is leading the southeast in the warm water of the Indian Ocean are located.