What is USL ?
Unix System Laboratories
in June 1993, the company's Novell lab, the Unix system, along with all points Unix includes the right to reproduce, sign, commercial, and let the letter of the contract, it purchased.
The Lab, the Unix system as the plaintiff in 1992, a legal complaint against the, SS, IP, and the University of California, Berkeley, in the case of intellectual property rights related to Unix, leave. Yu SSL from the court appealed to orders stopping the distribution of OS, SS, and net-2, that is, SD, IP, and the University of California, Berkeley, was done by the end of the process of the court issued. , Sued in 1993 after the judge doubt about their authenticity, intellectual property, Unix, by USB, El declared closed.
then in the same year, 1993, the company, Novell signs a commercial Unix to X/Open transmission. X/Open in 1996 with the Open Software Foundation was merged and open group (The Open Group) have formed the alliance. In 1995, the remaining lab, the Unix system, along with codes for Unix, edit the fifth group of Esco was sold.