Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 01:26

Acronym Finder

What is SSL ?

Secure Sockets Layer

Secure Socket Layer (Secure Sockets Layer) or SSL (SSL) protocol, which is by a company, Netscape, to exchanged, documents private via the internet is developed. SSL certificate from a private key for the password the information on a connection SSL are transferred. Both browsers, Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer (and nowadays, all modern browsers) of the protocol supported. Also a lot of websites to provide a suitable Substratum in order to keep information confidential, users (such as credit card number) of this protocol, and using it can be. According to it, what standard is that. URL that need a connection of type SSL have :https instead :http start. SSL is a protocol independent of layer application is (Application Independent).So, protocols such as FTP, HTTP, and Telnet ability to use it. With this there is SSL for the protocols FTP, HTTP, IPSec, has been optimized.