Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 07:10

Acronym Finder

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Search result from: VIM

Vi Improved


Vehicle Interface Module (various companies)

Virtualized Infrastructure Manager (computing)

Veterinary Internal Medicine (various locations)

Veilig Incident Melden (Dutch: Safety Incident Report)

International Vocabulary of Basic and General Terms in Metrology

Vendor-Independent Messaging

Voyager Interstellar Mission

Ventral Intermediate Nucleus

Visual Editor iMproved (Linux text editor)

Video Input Module

Victory Is Mine

Velocity Interface Mezzanine

Very Important Member (web forums)

Virtual Infrastructure Management

Vacuum Induction Melted

Very Important Meeting

Virtualized Interaction Manager (software)

Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (emissions regulation)

Virtual Item Manager

Vortex Induced Motion (offshore platform phenomena)

Vandals in Motion (gaming clan)

Vendor Information Management

Vehicule D'intervention Medicalise (French)

Vibration Isolation Module

Venture In Mission

Virtual Infinite Memory

Virtual Interconnected Management

Very High Speed Integrated Circuit Insertion Module

Vector IMaging

Veal Issues Management (Meshoppen, PA)

Vertical Industry Manager

Visual Inspection Module

Very Important Moron