Today, Monday، 31 Mar 2025 - 05:44

Acronym Finder

Advanced Search

In advanced search by entering an abbreviation, you will find all abbreviated states of that term. This section only applies to Latin phrases.

Search result from: MS


Master of Science (degree)

Middle School

Mississippi (US postal abbreviation)

Mail Stop

Mail Server

Medical Student

Masters of Science (less common)

Mobile Station

Market Share

Management System

Management Services

Management Science

Member States (EU)

Mobile Suit (Gundam World)

Most Significant

Medical Services

Member State

Memory Stick

Mass Storage

Media Server

Mint State (highest quality of coin)


measures (music score)

Mean Square

Master Schedule

Memory System

Military Science

Morgan Stanley (investment bank)

Monitoring System

Message Store

More Stuff (polite form)

Maple Story (MMORPG)

Maple Story (computer game)

Master System (Sega)

Message System

Multiple Sclerosis Society of Canada

Medical Surgical

Market Survey


Midnight Sun (band)

Metabolic Syndrome

Mode Select

Marine Safety


Mild Steel

Mission Specialist

Mass Spectroscopy

Meets Standards (school grading system)

Mass Spectrometry

Modern Studies (school subject)

Mato Grosso do Sul (Brazil)

Mass Spectrometer

Memory Store (calculator button)

Mad Scientist

Mediterranean Sea

Metal Slug (game)


Mariners (Seattle baseball team)

Mobility Solutions (Lucent)

Motion Sensor (various companies)

Morphine Sulfate

Massa Carrara (postcode, Italy)

Metric System

Meritorious Service (award)

Mathematical Statistics

Marks and Spencer (UK department store)

Medical Solutions (various organizations)

Mail Store

Maintenance Shop


Mobility Scooter (various companies)




Michael Schumacher (F1 driver)

Merchant Shipping

Morane-Saulnier (French manufacturing company)

Molecular Scale

Military Strategy

Martin Scorsese (film director)

Microphone Stand

Mystery Shopping

Mid-Side (stereo sound recording)

Morgan Spurlock (documentary filmmaker)

Medium Speed

Major System

Marge Simpson

Mobile Subscriber

Military Standard

Maybe So

Moderately Susceptible

Mario Sunshine (video game)

Machine Screw

Mano Sinistra (Italian: Left Hand; Music Terminology)

Market Surveillance

MotorStorm (gaming)

Egyptair (IATA airline code)


Market Segmentation

Manual Switch

Matrix Spike

Mara Salvatrucha (gang)

Magnetic Storage

Missile System


Mono Stereo

Margin of Safety (structural engineering term)

Mother Ship (game)

Medical Service Corps

Murashige and Skoog (basal medium)

Manufacturing Specialist

Mitral Stenosis (medical)

Mission Simulator


Surface Wave Magnitude (formula for measuring earthquakes)

Main Station

Mobility Support

Multidimensional Scaling

Marking Scheme (examinations)

Medium Shot (cinematography)

Master Switch

Matched Set (philately)

Medical Superintendent

Mike Shinoda (Linkin Park band member)

Michael Shanks (actor)

Multiplex Section

Manufacturing Strategy

Maggie Simpson


Microwave System

Master Sommelier

Models and Simulations (Conference)

Mission: Space (Epcot, Walt Disney World, Florida)

Male Sterile

Motor Ship (nautical vessel designation; also see SS for steam ship)

Music/Speech (broadcasting)

Message Switch

Man System (CASI)

Main Spring

Master Shake (cartoon character)

Microprocessor System (AT&T)

Measurement Signal

Main Steam (valve in nuclear submarine)

Monitor Station

Master Sword (Legend of Zelda Game)

Million Samples (sampling rate)

Marketing Society

Mortal Strike (gaming, World of Warcraft)

Motorschiff (German: motor vessel)

Memoserv (IRC Memo Server)

Master of Surgery

Mitsubishi Steel (Japan)

Military Shipping

Maintenance Standard

Markov Switching

Music Scholar (Eton College)

Manganese Steel

Munchausen's Syndrome

Morneau Sobeco

Metal Sonic (gaming character)

Magical Sword (Legend of Zelda game)

Medical Survey

Mission Schedule

Motor Spirit (petroleum)

Microwave Sensor

Mandatory Supervision (type of parole)

Mirage Studios

Master of Sports

Missile Squadron

Master Smith (bladesmithing)



Master Seaman (Canadian Forces naval rank)

Modified Silicone

MirrorSoft (former game maker)

Mild Severe (British rock climbing grade)

Mammal Society

Motorschip (Dutch)

Monitoring Subsystem

Mint Sheet (of stamps)

Mobilization Station

Michele Soavi (film director)

Main Satellite

Motor Signal

Microwave Switch (electromechanics)

Midnight Spin (band)

Mirrored System

Mess Management Specialist (US Navy rating)

Medium Steel

Mechanics Service

Model Station

Maple Sea (Maple Story gaming)

Massa, Toscana (Italian province)


Mouvement Socialiste (French: Socialist Movement)

Magestorm (game)

Mega Sample (Electronic Data Acquisition Systems)

Motor Saw

Manual Sweep (Agilent)

Millenial Star (LDS Church)

Maternal Sire

Michigan Shore Railroad

Michigan Southern Railway