What is MS ?
Multiple Sclerosis
.....SMS, or sclerosis, scattered an autoimmune disease in which the body to the cells of your damage does, in a way that the security system to the central nervous system "CNS", the attack and the areas of the brain and spinal cord demyelinating. This mode may be the symptoms of physical, emotional, and mental frequency of the cause, and often its progress on disability issues, physical and perceptual. This disease often in the ages between 20 to 45 years of age, the incidence in women Common. and the rate of its prevalence is between 2 and 150 per 100٫000 depends on the country and population specific it is. SMS for the first time in 1868 by Jane Martin neurologist, was introduced. This disease . but it has been proven several treatment is helpful. One of another name that the word concise with it known as "Disseminated sclerosis".