Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 06:30

Acronym Finder

What is EXIF ?
Exchangeable Image File format
File format video switching possible briefly that Exif can be read the particulars is to the template, the video file by digital cameras and scanners used. This specification, in a format JPEG, TIFF, RIFF and WAV can be used. It is noted that file formats JPEG, PNG and GIF it is not supported.

Exif By the association for the development of Electronic Industries, Japan (JEIDA) was created. Version 2.1, it on June 12, 1998, and its latest version which is 2.3 in April 2010 to record is that JEITA and the association camera & imaging products (CIPA) jointly worked on it. Although this specification by any institution, industrial, or standardize the management, not producers, camera broadly they use it.

metadata is in Exif are used include :
the date and time information. Digital camera information, date and time of shooting to record as metadata storage.
camera settings. These settings include information of a constant, such as model and manufacturer camera, as well as information variable, which may in each image vary, such as rotate the photo, lenses, exposure time, distance, focal length, lens, etc. sensing the light and film Speed.
A (image thumbnail) for a preview like thing in the page, the camera's LCD can be seen. The small image in the file manager, or image management software, as the preview photos used.
description or copyrighted, related to the image...
What is DEP ?
Data Execution Prevention
Prevent the implementation of the data that refer to it, DEP is said to be one of the mechanisms of security in Microsoft Windows operating system. The technology of code from portions of memory as non-executable. prevent. With the use of this feature can be of some abuse that, in effect, overflow of the buffer created can be prevented. This feature to might be implemented. In the first type of hardware processor, a corresponding this feature is supported and can be Regions non-executable memory, mark. The second type implement the software, this technology is in the software try to be that these restrictions apply. It should be noted that the method of hardware, software is more efficient, and the limitations are less....
What is MIP ?
Maximum Intensity Projection
Using the intensity maximum or the abbreviation MIP, in science software application, the name of an algorithm processing the video.

of this algorithm in magnetic resonance direction blood vessels, and also in tomography computer can be used.

This method first for use in nuclear medicine by Gerald Wallis in 1988, was devised. The article he published in the journal IEEE to print receipts....
What is GCC ?
GNU C Compiler
Set , GNU (which refer to the GCC can be read), a set of for programming languages návsí different by which the GNU project has arisen.

a: thirty-one of the most key members of the dynasty program, the GNU. In the beginning, just standard for the GNU system, but nowadays in many operating systems similar to Unix, use it. such as the GNU/Linux family, SMS, etc. for Mac OS. Also a CC to see the hardware of the port.

a CC in the early an acronym, the words the GNU C Compiler. Because just the ability to compile programs written in the C language. That, over time, be able to translate more languages such as C Plus Plus, etc. , etc., Pascal, etc. Java. thirty and Ada.

Free Software Foundation a CC under the authorization letter, the GNU ( JP El ) and El, JP El has released. A CC is free software....
What is ICANN ?
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
Icon (ICANN), the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and numbers has been corporate is headquartered in the area, Marina del Rey, city of Los Angeles, State of California, USA, located in. on September 18, 1998, and made in the September 30, 1998 to be able to patronize part of the tasks related to the internet, previously the responsibility of doing it straight the responsibility of the government of the United States has been and by other organizations do can be recorded, in particular source, the correct numbers assigned in the Internet (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).

icon responsible for managing the assignment of domain names and addresses the internet protocol. The Tasks icon is to guarantee the allocation of Internet Protocol address for a space in the internet, the assignment of protocol IDs, systems, and management of top-level domain names, and operators manage the root broker (root server). Up to today, a lot of work introducing the public domain the level of the top of the new were concerned. Work characteristics of the icon reference to the operator .

of the basics of the functional icon as a guide for maintaining the stability of the operational internet, promotion of competition, etc. to find a representation widely used in the global internet community, and developing policy appropriate to its mission from the beginning to the end. and processes based on agreed videos, is described.

at 29 September 2006. icon, the agreements, with the Ministry of Commerce (Department of Commerce), the United States signed that pursuant to which the PA, private in the future get to, complete management system, internet, Central of ID, coordinated by several model of advice that the icon representative of them....
What is IANA ?
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
(IANA), the institution that the responsibility of guardianship, address, Internet Protocol (IP Address) and PA system (Autonomous System) assigned. manage the root zone the domain name system (DNS root zone), the structure of the media on the internet (Internet Media Type) or the same MIME type, and tasks related to protocol internet another is responsible. This, by the icon can be operated.

before founding icon for this purpose. at first by John of the Institute of Information Science, University of Southern California, the flat-contract USC/ISI, United States Department of Defense Management.... until icon to get this responsibility under a contract with the Ministry of Commerce of the United States was created....
What is STLD ?
Sponsored Top Level Domain
A domain level top, warranty (sTLD) is one of the categories of top level domains (TLD) that by (IANA) for use in the domain name system on the internet is maintained.

a domain level above the guaranteed level domain the top of the special is a representative of the community specific services, it warranties.

these associations are based on ethnicity, geographical region, etc. specialized ... being technical or other subject, proposed formed by private dealers or organizations that task the creation and implementation of rules limiting the competence registrar to use the top level domain are managed. For example, domain level top .aero by the company SITA warranties. who recorded it for members of the aviation industry has limited....
What is SLD ?
Second Level Domain
The hierarchy of the domain name system, a domain-level II (abbreviated SLD) is a domain that is directly below a top level domain is located. For example, in example.com the amount of example, the domain level, the latter from the domain level top .com.

domain, the second level is usually the organization that the domain name is a domain name registrar (domain name registrar) registrar has been attributed. Some domain name registrars a hierarchy of second level domain a top level domain have raised that indicate the type of organization that intend to register the second level domain, under it there....