Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 23:06

Acronym Finder

What is XSLT ?
XSL Transformations
Transformations X SSL or X SS El t (XSLT) is a language full Turing-based X the IS that the manner of conversion from a file X the to the A file other describe.

In this language, the programmer determines how the tree structure within a file X the to file other - that can be a X on the other, or HTML, or any text file other be - converted, then the conversion by the application that processor X SSL or called done. The most common use of X-SSL or includes: converts structures X All El to each other, convert X the to HTML, in Internet sites, and also the first step in the construction of the PDF of X the El.

the language part of the family x, SSL is considered to format documents X the IS and the version 1 standard by the consortium World Wide Web (W3C) in November 1999 released. Version 2 standard, it is also on January 23, 2007 was approved.

need a way of displaying for files X The ago of 1997, was felt. From 1994 articles in the field of characteristics of a template, demo the proper preparation. Finally, in 1997, a group of a number of software companies a document, the initial (that is, X SS El was called) to design a language template demo X the to the consortium World Wide Web providing. Work on X SSL from the same time began. Up to this time, focus on the templates demo and features, delineate and display information was still the thing as mapping or conversion tool, the structural pose.

over time, the practitioners standard X-SSL to the conclusion that the operation of convert file X the can from the operation display, it apart. Thus, X-SSL into three distinct areas was divided into: mapping (conversion), the objects of a format and X pet. In a short time it became clear that this split decision a good been and new uses for the segment mappings were found that communication with the display, the data did not....
What is EXI ?
Efficient XML Interchange
Exchange efficient of X on the (EXI) is a form X, the binary is as a recommendation of the consortium W3C on 10 March 2011 is accepted. This template by the Working Group on exchange of efficient x-TH El (EXIWG) in the W3C developed and is one of the most prominent efforts for the coded documents, X the to template, binary compared to plain text.

use template X on the binary, and, generally, longer documents X the El will reduce, and may even time splits.

the efficiency of the production of the content of X on the of binary well produces binary code from the original document. though this is the case to offer binary a real that is used also depends on....
What is XBL ?
XML Binding Language
X, El, a language based on XML based markup language to express the behavior of XUL-widgets and variables, XML can be used. XBL is the Mozilla project for use in the Mozilla Application Suite developed and the language is now under a formal standard not be defined so specifically for Mozilla, which is just on the in (computer) implementation.XBL 2.0, the latest version of XBL....
What is HTML5 ?
HyperText Markup Language 5
HTML5 or the markup language 5 or HTML, 5 a language for building and presenting content for the World Wide Web. this is the fifth revision of the standard HTML is (in 1990 created and in 1997 as HTML4 standard, is) and so far, still in the hands of the developer. The main goals of HTML, 5 improve this language to that of the newest technology, multi-media support, while also easily human readable, to be referred to consistently by computers and devices (web browsers, etc., parser, etc.) understood. HTML, 5 intends not only HTML4, but also XHTML1 and 2HTML will also support.
by following the predecessors, recent, HTML, 4 the 01 and XHTML 1. the 1, the HTML, 5 a reply to use common HTML and XHTML on the World Wide Web, for a combination of features introduced by various specifications and items introduced by software products such as web browsers. Cases, that is, a joint is created; and also a response to the many errors of syntax in the documentation, is available. Also trying is a markup language unique definition that would be two templates, HTML, or XHTML to be written.
, HTML, 5 includes details of Model processing is to implement . HTML, 5 markup to documents available to the spread. improves and justifies. Also, markup and programming interface applications (API) to program complex web of.. For this reason, HTML5 candidate, the potential for mobile applications cross-platform. Many of the features of HTML5, consider the ability to run on devices low power, such as smartphones and tablets made by. In December 2011, the research company Strategy Analytics has predicted buy and sell phones compatible with HTML5 in the year 2013 above the 1 billion dollar will.
specifically, HTML, 5 features somehow many to the language has added. These features include elements like , etc. or , and . Also the integration of content scalable vector graphics (SVG) that replaces the tag . The features for this design were to enter and work with multimedia content and graphics easier to plug proprietary and API no. New elements like , and , and , and to empower more content Way documents are designed. Adjectives, another new also to the same purpose have been introduced, while some elements and attributes also have been removed. Some elements, such as , and and have been changed, etc. re-defined or the Standard place.API and DOM other afterthought do not, but also a fundamental part of the specification HTML5. . Also HTML5 processing that has taken place that the documents invalid and errors, somehow it\'s for all browsers and users will be identical....
What is VRML ?
Virtual Reality Modeling Language
He AR All El (VRML) the name of the format standard the file that graphic three-dimensional computer defines by Oaks, Terry, was replaced.

What is DIVX ?
Digital Video Express
DivX the name of The to compress and playback video files based on the Section 2 standard, MPEG-4. DivXNetworks, as concocted and distributor of this technology, it is often, as with Terry for the video ... that due to the very low volume. very good quality to provide.

competitor, the codecs, ... codecs, the origin of the open-Oaks Wade is that in all the experiments, track and field, that from the year 2003 to come with a better performance compared to DivX is shown, but commercial success it did not....
What is OGG ?
Operation Good Guys
OGG or OG A a container format file, a free and open source, which means the foundation Xiph.Org maintenance and development are given. The creators of the format OG Jay stated that this extension without the limitations of software patents is, and to provide the transfer (streaming) and effective manipulation of multi-media digital ([digital multimedia]) high quality design.

the template or within the content og a can be a number of streams independently for sound, images, text (such as subtitles), and metadata to combine together.

in the framework of multimedia OG). Theora, a video layer provides . Layers of sound, mainly by the form music axis, can be prepared, but other options include codec, speech compression, human or speaks, etc. codec compression, lossy sound, or Ferris and OG TV, Zune!.

before the 2007 extensions .ogg for all the files that are in the content they casted contain be used. After the 2007 Foundation Xiph.Org recommended that the extension .ogg only for audio files OG JAY be used. Foundation Xiph.Org decided a new set of file extensions and the type of media ( media types ) to describe the different types of content such as .oga just for audio files, etc..ogv for video with or without sound ( including Theora ), and .ogx for the OG, a compound create.

from 7 December 2007]. the current version of the reference implementation of the Xiph.org big liberal Democra OG Jay (libogg) version 1.2.2 . The other version of the. Liberal Democra OG Jay 2, etc. is expanding, but from 2008 waiting for the write retries. Both libraries software, free software, are under the authorization letter, SMS, new is published. Reference executive OG Jay on September 2, 2000 from was isolated.

from where this template is free, and its reference implementation is under the authority of the limits to copyright. codec various OG A a number of media players different free and proprietary, commercial and non-commercial, plus, player, media, portable, and receiver, GPS of different plant is used....
What is SQA ?
Software Quality Assurance
Software quality assurance consists of monitoring the process of software engineering and the ways to ensure the quality of it used. The methods that this in order to make have been immense and diverse, that each of compliance with several standards (such as ISO 9000 and a model like CMMI) to check and guarantee.

methods of software quality assurance the entire process of software development . Including the stages of development software can be used to define requirements, design software, coding, etc. reviewing code, configuration management software, test management, management ... integration, product noted. Software quality assurance the goals, requirements, etc. abilities, activities, measurements and evaluation, dildo, forgives.

software quality assurance according to the ISO/IEC 15504 v. 2.5 (SPICE is a process that is supportive should be a layout preset, and isO 15504 quality in every single products, activities and processes independently guarantee.

After the topics raised on how to create the software and the relevant discussions in ... one of the challenges, review the concept of essential elements of software quality and the subsequent criteria for assessment and quality assurance procedures, it is. Speaking of quality software, and review and evaluation it is only through answering the following questions and specify a method to reach this answer is possible:

1. Define explicit and exact meaning and concept of \"quality software\"
2. Create a set of activities that our high quality software products provided sure.
3. Run-off activities, control and guarantee quality in all software projects
4. Use the tools in order to develop strategies, improve processes, software, and so the quality of the final product...