Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 02:12

Acronym Finder

What is UMTS ?
Universal Mobile Telecommunications System
System global telecom mobile phones (UTMS), one of the technology, the third generation mobile network. This technology also to the development of technology, the fourth generation on the move....
What is VPN ?
Virtual Private Network
A virtual private network (VPN) extends a private network across a public network and enables users to send and receive data across shared or public networks as if their computing devices were directly connected to the private network. The benefits of a VPN include increases in functionality, security, and management of the private network. It provides access to resources that are inaccessible on the public network and is typically used for remote workers. Encryption is common, although not an inherent part of a VPN connection.

A VPN is created by establishing a virtual point-to-point connection through the use of dedicated circuits or with tunneling protocols over existing networks. A VPN available from the public Internet can provide some of the benefits of a wide area network (WAN). From a user perspective, the resources available within the private network can be accessed remotely....
What is ASCII ?
American Standard Code for Information Interchange
Skiing is a sequence character (a Character Encoding based on the English alphabet. Codes skiing in computers, etc. communication means and any other means that the text concerned is, for the display texts are used. All the sets, characters of the new generation (such as Unicode and UTF) of the ski comes with fall.

ski, the first time in 1967, innovation was the last time in 1986, suffered a change. Now 33 characters it non-printable. that the majority of the control characters that are on the appearance of the text effect....
What is SSL ?
Secure Sockets Layer
Secure Socket Layer (Secure Sockets Layer) or SSL (SSL) protocol, which is by a company, Netscape, to exchanged, documents private via the internet is developed. SSL certificate from a private key for the password the information on a connection SSL are transferred. Both browsers, Netscape Navigator and Internet Explorer (and nowadays, all modern browsers) of the protocol supported. Also a lot of websites to provide a suitable Substratum in order to keep information confidential, users (such as credit card number) of this protocol, and using it can be. According to it, what standard is that. URL that need a connection of type SSL have :https instead :http start. SSL is a protocol independent of layer application is (Application Independent).So, protocols such as FTP, HTTP, and Telnet ability to use it. With this there is SSL for the protocols FTP, HTTP, IPSec, has been optimized....
What is SSH ?
Secure Shell
Secure Shell (Secure Shell) or the abbreviation ssh SSH) is an internet protocol that allows the exchange of information with the use of a secure channel between two devices connected in the network creates. Both the original version of this protocol it is called, SSH1 or SSH1 and SSH2 or SSH-2 be known. At first, on systems with the basic Unix and Linux, to access to the accounts of shell usage. SS for Tel net, and other skins of telecommunications non-secure created....
What is SMTP ?
Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Simple contract letters, updates in a glance, SMTP, etc. protocol a simple, yet important and fundamental for the transfer of email. This term it goes to work when compared to other protocols, email, previous, very simple operation. SMTP only to the user name and the domain needs to direct the message to the recipient routing. SMTP is a protocol to send and to get fit. for this reason, to get the mail instead of SMTP from the protocol, get the email, like IMAP and 3 used....
What is DHCP ?
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP), a protocol that is device, network used, various parameters that the performance of the program, resources, stuck in the IP (Internet Protocol) is essential. division. Using this protocol, the volume, the management system is drastically reduced and the device can, with minimal settings, or without settings manually to the network added....
What is MAC ?
Media Access Control
Address the hardware or MAC address, address, numerically, that for the hardware in the card network interface in the factory is imprinted. This type of addressing, thereby identifying the unique card network interface in between the cards. During this address, 6 bytes. this addressable by the Association of Electrical and Electronic Engineers(IEEE) has been set....