jactio-C is an object-oriented language that is created by adding message sending concepts from the smalltalk language to theC language. Now the main use of en is in environments Macos x and Iphone os.< < > programs of this language that do not use specific libraries of these environments can be used in all environments where the JCC compiler (GCC) is used.< < > history< < > in the early 1980s the dominant method in software engineering was the structured programming method. This method was based on the principle of dividing the problem into smaller components and solving the individual . With the increase in the size of the mesmelahs, this method gradually lost its efficiency.< < > the new solution proposed was the object-oriented programming method, with languages such as smalltalk based on yen.
Brad Cox and Tom Love Language -thirty in the early years, 1980 at the factory, their production was. inspired by the smalltalk language, with a change in theC language compiler, it was able to add the possibilities of objectivism to en. He called the language OOPC the ABBREVIATIONR ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther ther TheThe. Later, with the help of Love new product called Productivity Products International, or PPI's making that a compiler -thirty with the Class Library, the power was interested in.in 1988, the company acquired ownership of jactio-C from