Today, Sunday، 9 Mar 2025 - 18:37

Acronym Finder

What is MB ?

Mega Byte

MB or MB, etc. information and on your computer. This word from the prefix Mega, and the word Bytes is formed. Generally, two definitions of MB is available. In the definition of Prime Order of MB 220 bytes, or 1, the 048 is 576 bytes. This definition is generally about the amount of data storage space and by the computer used. In this definition, a MB The m'boi byte is also read. In the second definition of units international system of units mega used. So thats the shape of a megabyte equals a million bytes. This definition, approved by the SI and the IEC is, and the majority of builders equipment, hardware, data storage it used. In the third definition, which is much rarer, is MB The byte assumed and equal to 210 × 103 or 1 the 024, the 000 bytes. This definition no longer apply.

notes : the size given in the definition of the second and third one of the common problems in the computer. For example, a seller of hard disk the amount of disk space your 100 MB (according to the definition of the second) reads, but in computing the amount of the less, the show (according to the third definition)

sometimes this unit with your know MB (not Mb) to megabits confused), and sometimes to form the abbreviated "Meg" (meg) also sing.