Products service, file wide (WAFS) users to a company let, accept, and share the files for world of speed, a LAN, the rover WAN. Company wide, the solution, WAFS them to organize to be able tolink the stored datatodata of the central one and remove the requirement of backup and control of data that is already in the company of their have been placed. Systems Cisco, (Blue coat) manufacturer, fixtures WAFS. WAFS of techniques such as protocol, CIFS protocol, MDPI anddata compression, and sometimes storing the patterns of data away nasty in the cache local uses. WAFS is a subset of WAN is also the internetSSLand instructions, ASPand traffic, multiple well hidden. This semester, by Brand Oneill and group Taneja in the month of MAY and in the year 2004 for the magazine, Infostor, just and was designed.