Today, Tuesday، 11 Mar 2025 - 05:34

Acronym Finder

What is CRAC ?

Computer Room Air Conditioner

Servers are fairly mature, more consumption of electric in about 1200 watts, have with the use of coolant, the usual HVAC or CRAC possibility to cool them possible. This type of coolant, air cooling, produced from below to within the space under the floor system, post and through the valves embedded on the floor system the existing servers to cool them. Again the warm air through the channels back (if any) to the device CRAC returned and ك thus, repeat.
with the advancement in technology, build servers, and the small dimensions of them and the introduction of servers, Blade, etc., although the cost of making this type of servers, with the last major difference for them. but power consumption and heat generation, they are such dramatic increased. So cool they have stone, more adopted.