What is BASF ?
Badische Anilin- und Soda-Fabrik
name, b-a f (BASF) in fact, from the first words the old name of this company is derived. Its name in the first aniline soda fabric now, under the name of B, a f, etc. known. that as a registered trademark. the company, in the stock markets of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange etc. Stock Exchange, London Stock Exchange, Zurich, is listed . Company B, A F, in September, 2007 Your Name from the list of the New York Stock Exchange out.
Group B, A F, including subsidiaries and also joint ventures, in more than 80 countries of the world. This company has six production site integrated chemical products, and the number of 390 other site production, in Europe, Asia, Australia, America and Africa.
customers of Company B, a f, etc. in more than 200 countries of the world. scattered.