Today, Saturday، 21 Sep 2024 - 01:46

Acronym Finder

The database of this site includes more than 5,200 phrase is abbreviated to the Persian description. Also in Advanced Search section has over 5 million acronyms to search.

Android Application

The abbreviation is the first abbreviated acronym for the Android operating system. Download from CafeBazaar

Telegram Bot

For quick access to abbreviated words and their meanings, send an email to @mokhafaf_bot on the telegram.

Windows Software

With this software, you can have abbreviated words as a dictionary on your computer without the need for the Internet and the site. More information & Download

4 Today Top Acronyms


What is VSS ?

Voltage Source Supply

VSS the same GND in the electrical circuit means grand or Earth. Have all the land to the base of th...


What is MSL ?

Mars Science Laboratory

Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) project name the new NASA to Mars. In this project, Automotive to name...


What is ITS ?

Intelligent Transportation System

System Transportation intelligent or briefly ITS deployment of information technology to improve the...


What is PNN ?

Probabilistic Neural Network

A type of neural network is that the probability of membership of a sample to a class estimates. In ...