Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 02:20

Acronym Finder

What is GR ?
Game Revolution
Ltd., briefly that GR is also known, a website computer games is that in April 1996, and in Berkeley, California, began.
the website of the parts, because, criticism, Computer Games, Show preview, etc. the discussion, download, etc. introduce the game and its story., the introduction of codes, password games, and other items related to computer games is composed....
What is MSN ?
Micro Soft Network
MSN (MSN) is a site that belongs to Microsoft.

this website lips with the Windows 95 and in 1995, came into existence in the year 2006 with Windows Live also was combined....
What is OEIS ?
Online Encyclopedia of Integer Sequences
Wikipedia, an online encyclopedia the correct sequence (OEIS or Sloane\'s), a database, a reliable search of the correct sequence is to the free on the web.

OEIS information about the series, is a favorite of mathematicians, professional and amateur, is in itself, and to the extent to which the referral is given. Includes over 180 The 000 Series(23 December, 1389), which is the result of it the largest database of its kind.

each entry includes the term, the original series, keyword, motivation, math, links, and more, including the possibility to generate graphs or as musical series. The database is tagged, and the headrest is searchable....
What is OLC ?
Open Learning Center
He LCD, (OLC), the first Center for English language training virtual and online in Iran. This educational site in the year 2001 ad is worth has been established.

at the time of launch OLC, the number of internet users in Iran is less than 100, the 000 people has been, but with the development of the internet in Iran, in addition to the development site, the OLC service, similar to other training have also been launched.

he LCD OLC stands for the Open Learning Center or training center, or training center open. This means that his LCD training courses, without limitation, held, does not.

field of specialized he LCD training English to people is according to the working conditions and life, the possibility to participate in in-person classes. Or due to financial constraints and distance the possibility of attending class in person....
What is XOOPS ?
eXtensible Object Oriented Portal System
Program content management , a free software, powerful that with PHP language and using a database MySQL SS s to launch the Website, is written. This software from a structure dependent on the closed side (or modular) uses that to users, allow edit, and update Website of your own. under the permission of the general public (GPL) will be released and to use, edit and distribute to everyone. Project have first place in the development of the award in the best porn of 2006 by website Source Forge, net. gain....
What is IPB ?
Invision Power Board
IP, or IPB name system based on PHP, which is for the construction of Halls said and the orb, the internet goes to work.This forum is the construction of high power management. It is noted that the best mechanism so far due to the ultra high performance, yet simple management won the award for Best Community Builder.

examples of sites that IPB for your chosen can be the Yahoo that for employees around the world is noted or companies such as AMD, nVIDIA, NASA, SONY and many other companies mentioned....
What is WP ?
Word Press
WordPress is a content management system for websites and blogs free for educational content, commercial, scientific, and... also the ability to create social sites with a plugin, powerful as buddypress . Create free plugin bbpress.... as a consequence, programming language, php, written by Mai SS s supported.Also, the version for postgersql are available this system is completely free and open source.

WordPress in way more successful project b2, which in 2003 was formed. The name of the WordPress Kristiansand Slack, etc., Matt Mullenweg (the main developer of WordPress), the institution, and from that day WordPress speed and progress substantially become the most famous and widely used tool for making blog and website on file....
What is DLE ?
Data Life Engine
CID, one of the top content management systems it is zone that from the years 2004 regarding the start. up to now, has many comments from users of the communication network to the draw.
This powerful system by a team of adept, Russia written, and to the world at large communication network is provided, one of the properties excellent, this system, being flexible, it is by these features can make your website a portal, simple to web hosting etc. internet store and or... to convert.
CID contrary to the simple appearance, content, advanced, and professional, and is working with it very simple. Even those that these of programming or other issues related to this topic can not to customize the system to your set, and easily water eating use it....