Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 02:12

Acronym Finder

What is NIC ?
Network Information Center
The domain of the first order, the country dot-IR (.ir) and dot-Iran (.Iran)...
What is IWF ?
Iran Web Festival
Iran web festival with tens of thousands of participants. as the competition among the websites and mobile applications in the different groups known to be from the beginning of the establishment has been able to play an important role in the growth of the quality and position of the sphere, and the mobile Iran.
This festival each year in different groups, a website and a mobile application to vote with the jury as selected, introduced and makes it statuette of a top website or a top software mobile Iran as the greatest honor in the field, Iran awarded.

festival website: www.iwmf.ir...
What is IWMF ?
Iran Web Mobile Festival
Web Festival and Iran mobile with tens of thousands of participants. as the competition among the websites and mobile applications in the different groups known to be from the beginning of the establishment has been able to play an important role in the growth of the quality and position of the sphere, and the mobile Iran.
This festival each year in different groups, a website and a mobile application to vote with the jury as selected, introduced and makes it statuette of a top website or a top software mobile Iran as the greatest honor in the field of web and mobile, Iran awarded.

festival website: www.iwmf.ir...
What is IAFD ?
Internet Adult Film Database
Database, internet ( iafd.com )...
What is MSRT ?
Ministry of Science Research and Technology
Language test big ass that with the name of the MCHE is also known to be a test of English, which, by the Ministry of science, research and technology of Iran will be held, and in limited number of cities for the monthly will be held.

from this test, that test, the English language domestic in Iran are expected to be as a TOEFL test small learn. therefore, students prepared in this test. resources test TOEFL to sing.

this special test PhD students, and also special students, boys of undergraduate to be that in order to exit from the country, and to continue studying should be the target score of Test received.

proof of this test approved by the Ministry of Science and test it almost every month on a regular basis will be held. All universities approved by the Ministry of Science and also Islamic Azad University, this degree during the interview, Ph. D., valid know.

score intended for PhD students and passing this test package to the University of from 50 to high. Also, the target score for students, bachelors who want a license, leaving the country to continue education will have 40. Degree this exam has 2 years from the time of issuance....
What is DK ?
Digi Kala
Zabbix forums review and internet sales of goods, digital

website URL : www.digikala.com...
What is پداس ?
پایگاه داده املاک و ساختمان
Database construction & real estate...
What is اکا ?
انجمن کوررنگان ایران
Oka stands for \" association of Iran \".
this forum with the site (http://wearecolorblind.ir) on 20 Aban 91 opened and is trying, given that about 8% people of the world and to the Fuzzies, it 8 percent of the Iranian people color blindness. solutions for better life these people and also investigate and fix problems, offer....