Today, Monday، 10 Mar 2025 - 02:20

Acronym Finder

What is مفدا ?
معاونت فرهنگی و دانشجویی
Department of culture and student of the Ministry of health, treatment and medical education ( mefda.ir )...
What is YJC ?
Young Journalists Club
Young reporters Club, one of the news media attributable to the organization of broadcasting of Islamic Republic of Iran and a deputy political organization that in the year 1378 has been established. The agency in all provinces of the country has centers active.

The Young Reporters club, along with the news agency IRIB (which is AGO from the Central News unit were called), and that the network\'s task of providing news sections of all network radio and television, these organizations are responsible for. The young reporters straight out of the Iranian political organization of sound and vision can be appointed.

(the two parts of independent news there. The first section of the news hour 17 network news, and another hour, 19 network one. It also sets your reports in the other news sections, including news, 20:30 and 21 plays. The members of this collection through the visiting enthusiasts young and training courses are selected....
What is سماح ?
ساماندهی مشتاقان ایام حضور در اعتاب مقدسه
System that stands for a reorganisation of the last few days attending holy is by the Hajj and Pilgrimage Organization with the aim of visa Iraq, the direction of the pilgrims of Arbaeen, a Shia Muslim city of Karbala has been launched.

registration in this system causes the number of pilgrims, male and female, and the province, it was to organize the pilgrims to be determined. To register for this dildo, having a passport is mandatory, and people who have passports are valid after the registration, the tracking code will fall.

every year is said to be the only ones who can glimpse go that in system Registration Act, and the lack of registration in this system constitutes a lack of readiness to go to walk by the Muslims. But usually, pilgrims of a different way to city of Karbala next.

Iran is usually to register in this site with the problem encountered and that should be training more of them in the field given.

What is سماس ?
سامانه مدیریت الکترونیکی سلامت
System samas.ir a consultation, e-health is that people can by visiting this site your questions, pose them, and the experts we have in this system, make them accountable....
What is GMAIL ?
Google Email
Gmail, one of the free services is that the to users space free to email offers. Trial version Google on 1 April 2004 was submitted on. this means that each user could have received an invitation from another user that has a Gmail account was the account email and the services it uses. This service on February 7, 2007 open to the public and was, needless to invitation for membership was not on 7 July 2009, the trial mode came out, which at that time has 146 million users per month....
What is YT ?
.yt internet domain, Mayotte (an island in the Indian Ocean, and belongs to France)....
What is ساما ?
سامانه اطلاعات موثر اشخاص
System Sama: information . convicts runaway and people who are under pursuit are to prevent corruption and facilitate the procedure in Sama (system for effective information entities) will be recorded and online library at the disposal of more than 9 thousand branches is to be placed....
What is IGN ?
Imagine Games Network
AIG, Ann, a website, Media and entertainment, is an American by IGN Entertainment, Inc, a subsidiary of Ziff Davis that is wholly owned by J2 Global. can be operated. The company is in the SOMAdistrict San Francisco, located by the former supervisor. Peer Schneider deal. The website IGN, a product of the entrepreneur, the Senate, Chris Anderson was on September 29, 1996, was started. On games, movies, TV, etc., comics., the technology and other media focus. In principle, a network of websites, desktop, IGN now on, operating systems, mobile distributed. programs console in the Xbox and PlayStation, etc. FireTV, etc. Roku through YouTube, Twitch, etc., Hulu, and Snapchat the distribution.

In principle, the IGN website, flagship IGN Entertainment, be that several website the other to the interests of the players, games, and entertainment such as Tomatoes Rotten on. GameSpy, etc. GameStats, etc. VE3D., the TeamXbox, etc., Network, Vault, etc. Rage against the machine and AskMen allocated and manage them. Among others. IGN to publishing company Ziff Davis in February 2013 was sold, and now as a subsidiary of global J2 is active.

in September 1996 as a network game, imagine, network content, IGN published by Jonathan Simpson-Bint was released, and as the five personal website at Imagine Media, began: N64.com (which was later renamed ign64.com), the PSXPower, etc. Saturnworld, etc. NextGeneration.com and Ultra Game Players Online. Imagine on the website, it belongs to it is expanded and with the creation of an affiliate network that includes a number of fans of independent, like the PSX Nation.com etc. Sega-Saturn.com., the Game Sages and GameFAQ are. In 1998, Network a new home to launch that site, the individual as a system \"\" channels \"under the brand name IGN stabilization. Home content for over 30 different channels displays. Players next-generation and Ultra Game, the online component of this consolidation were the..., U.S. G. P. O., with the approval of the journal was settled, and the next generation after the adoption of the decision to focus on the brand's radar, The Daily Short-Term Tests.

in February 1999, Journal of computer IGN is one of the hundreds of websites next to rivals, GameSpot, and CNET Gamecenter named. In the same month, Imagine Media were incorporated, which includes IGN and channel, affiliate it as Affiliation Networks. while the Simpson-bint in the former company, remained. In September, the Corporate Media, Media, independent from the internet that is published, name of your Snowball.com changed. In the meantime, the entertainment website of the small Den to the IGN was merged and the content of the unauthorized to the network growing, adding. Snowball IPO in the year 2000 was held, but during the dot-com bubble, the more the properties of the other ruined your. IGN with the increasing number of audience and the service subscription of the newly established so-called IGN Insider (day from IGN Prime), which led to the release of the name of the Snowball and acceptance IGN Entertainment, on May 10, 2002. were dominant.

in June 2005, the ... IGN reported that the 24000000 unique visitors per month, with 4.8 million registered users in all sections of the site. According to Alexa, the ... IGN in the 200 websites most visited rankings. In September 2005, the ... IGN is the Empire Business, multi-media, Rupert Murdoch., The News Corporation amounted to 650 million dollars were purchased. IGN 10-year on 12 January 2008 celebrated. IGN at the park office Marina Point Parkway in Brisbane, California, can be operated until, in a building smaller near AT...