European Monetary Unit
Euro, symbol: € money countries in the region, the euro is 100 cents divided. The use of the euro in January 2002, officially in the countries, Germany, France, Belgium, etc. country. Spain, Portugal. Greece, Italy, Ireland, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Finland was started and now in 19 countries of the 28 EU Member States formally in the stream.
The idea money identical time. for the first time by Jacques Delors, the minister for economy, former, France, that from 1985 to 1995., the presidency of the European Commission to undertake. was presented. The goal was that the European identity in the markets, strengthening, and stabilization of prices, economic growth and commercial interest new members. Delors in a report in 1989 offering. money joint to a target joint monetary described that somewhat caused a full freedom of movement, capitalism will. money euro that the power of the commercial world, The Shape of the alliance, whose aim is to connect European countries for commercial purposes and political., the euro in the midst of chaos, political and economic came into existence in ... of the Berlin Wall in 1989 collapsed and was Germany in the Android has. in eastern Europe, such is the communism had been dismantled and the area witnessed the ups and downs of a very. With the end of World War II, the European Union has been established, but it was the economy of the region in the path of a single polarization of the move. The Treaty of Maastricht on 7 February 1992 in one of the cities in the Netherlands called Maastricht was signed, and from 1993 to carried. This treaty, the structure of a Money, common design. the symbol of this new currency of the letter Epsilon in the Greek alphabet (e) the inspiration was from 2001. coins and bills, it by the central bank, the EU, and to enter the market....
The idea money identical time. for the first time by Jacques Delors, the minister for economy, former, France, that from 1985 to 1995., the presidency of the European Commission to undertake. was presented. The goal was that the European identity in the markets, strengthening, and stabilization of prices, economic growth and commercial interest new members. Delors in a report in 1989 offering. money joint to a target joint monetary described that somewhat caused a full freedom of movement, capitalism will. money euro that the power of the commercial world, The Shape of the alliance, whose aim is to connect European countries for commercial purposes and political., the euro in the midst of chaos, political and economic came into existence in ... of the Berlin Wall in 1989 collapsed and was Germany in the Android has. in eastern Europe, such is the communism had been dismantled and the area witnessed the ups and downs of a very. With the end of World War II, the European Union has been established, but it was the economy of the region in the path of a single polarization of the move. The Treaty of Maastricht on 7 February 1992 in one of the cities in the Netherlands called Maastricht was signed, and from 1993 to carried. This treaty, the structure of a Money, common design. the symbol of this new currency of the letter Epsilon in the Greek alphabet (e) the inspiration was from 2001. coins and bills, it by the central bank, the EU, and to enter the market....