Today, Saturday، 29 Mar 2025 - 02:18

Acronym Finder

What is ILS ?
Israel New Shekel
Spring, Ava Addams (ILS) money Israel and the Palestinian territories is that with the code ISO 4217 ILS becomes apparent, and has inflation of 0. the 5% is any form equivalent to 100 is....
What is MOL ?
The mole is one of the enum is. A mole, according to the traditional definition, some of any substance is the number of elementary particles it (molecule or Atom) equal to the number of atoms contained in 12 grams of carbon-12. This number, also the number called and is equal to 1023×(74)6. the 022140857

that, in fact, some of the object that number of units, the stem of which is equal to the number it. a mole is the SI units are expected to be.

to obtain a mole of a substance just the number 1023 ×6. the 02's because we to the amount of atoms or molecules of each substance, a mole of that substance is said to be, in fact, because of being hard working with unit amu in the lab, or better to say impossible, being that scientists have to think about the Innovation Unit, the mole fell.

matching the new definition(the necessary run after 20, 2019), a mole contains exactly 1023×(0)6. the 02214076 particle(atom, molecule, etc.).

to the mass of a mole particle (atom, molecule or ion) based on the G-mass, molar, say. mass molar g mol (g/mol) is. In other words, crime, Molly, crime 6. the 02214086 × 1023, or briefly 1023 ×6. the 02 of a material or a magnifying glass shows. For example, the mass molar hydrogen to approximation, etc. 1, the helium 4, etc. carbon-12, iron 56 and 238 is.

molecule of a substance equal to the total mass molar atom builder it can be. For example, the molecule water (H2O) equal to 18= 16 1(2) (C) because the molecule of hydrogen 1 g mol and each molecule of water 2 hydrogen atoms there are, and the molecule of oxygen, also 16 grams, the mole is.

In terms of numerical, etc. the mass of a Atom, on the basis of amu equal to the mass of a mole of the same atoms in terms of grams. For example, the mass of one atom of iron amu 56 and the mass of a mole of iron 56 grams is; the mass of one atom of oxygen, 16 amu, and the mass of molar oxygen is also 16 g/mol can be.

to obtain the mass of an Atom based on the amu can also be the number of neutrons and protons together collectors, clamps, and mass number resulting to a good approximation the same as the atomic mass based on the amu is of course, regardless of the isotope (time places)of that element. For example, the atom that more found in nature (94%), and etc. lithium-7, which means 3 protons and 4 neutrons there are. In this case, we say atomic mass lithium against 7 amu is a good approximation to the atomic mass of its real (6.94 amu) is very close. So can we say:

mass number of lithium=mass of atomic lithium(amu)=mass molar lithium(g) =7

to solve the issues of the mole in chemistry the high school, there are two methods; the one fraction conversion and the other methods fitness. Method fit in exams essay and the final is not acceptable, and even in the case of the right solution and get to the answer score to the student accrued not take place; however, an appropriate method to solve the questions test is. The first method, namely, deduction, conversion, etc. in chemistry, tenth year (Chemistry 1, chemistry in the path of sustainable development) are explained and solved questions with this method in exams is mandatory....
What is GAL ?
gallons, volume is that in both systems, conventional American and Royal British in three different amount is used. In the UK, Canada and some countries in the Caribbean from gallon Imperial or gallon Royal use to be, which is almost equal to 4. the 546092 liters can be. \"A gallon of American\" for the liquid material in the U.S. and some Latin American countries, that of Japan, almost 3. the 785412 liter. A gallon of American, that for a solid material that is rarely used that value almost 4. the 40 liters can be. In Iran, per gallon 3/78 liters can be....
What is MAH ?
Mili Amper Hour
An amp-hour (or Ah, A·h, A h) of the electrical load, mAh (mAh) and mAh seconds (mAs). Any amp hour 3600 Coulomb (amp second) and electric charge passing through the constant flow of 1 amp for 1 hour is equal. Amp hours more to measure the system, electrochemistry such as electroplating and battery used. MAh (mAh or mA·h), that public more from the amp-hour is one thousandth of an amp-hour value.

mAh H, (mAs or mA·s) to measure the radiation X applied to the Vacationer in diagnostic imaging and radiotherapy. This quantity with all the energy of the beam, X, processed by tunnel with the voltage fixed, fits. Fixed Faraday is a mole of electrons and 26, the 8 amp-hour is equal. This is more for calculating, electrochemistry is used.

The thing is that the AMP hours a energy....
What is MIS ?
Mercalli Intensity Scale
Scale (Mis) measure of the earthquake is that the intensity of damage in the earthquake of the show.

destructive power of an earthquake in addition to its power to the structure of the Earth in the desired area, and the design and location of structures, construction of human depends. The amount of destruction come usually with scale expression. Scientists can grade the Richter Scale just after the earthquake and when the possibility to compare data from different stations seismography? deputy minister. But the degree of will not be quickly identified, and it is necessary that the researchers have sufficient time to review the events that, during earthquakes, the data is at the disposal. When impression, the precise amount of damages incurred. can be is appropriate estimate. The intensity of an earthquake with the scale of celebrity be introduced this intensity, in fact, represent the amount of feeling of individuals and living creatures from the earthquake and impact on structures.

contrary to the general impression of the people, the earthquake intensity in addition to Blessed (Richter) to several factors, including depth of the epicenter of the earthquake, bedrock, etc. in the lower layers, distance from the earthquake epicenter and... is dependent.

overall, the Blessed is with the Richter scale is a parameter of the geological and intensity with the scale a parameter engineering. in the meantime, Richter from 18 but of 112 grading....
What is EV ?
Escape velocity
Speed getaway in physics and astronomy to a minimum as it can be said that an object must have in order to grab the gravitational force of the object, the other fled the scene.

speed getaway the extent that according to it, if Jeremy, with initial speed over of speed, getaway, Jeremy, who wants it to go out to the out move managed to escape from it will be, but if it's speed, the mass, the more quickly the getaway, it mass other be successful to this, will not. For example, the speed of escape from Planet Earth 11 of 186 km / h, which means if the missile over about 11٫2 km / h directly toward Out Move managed to escape from it will be, but if its speed missiles from the much more be the beginning to the high-gone, and then again to the bottom of the returns....