Today, Tuesday، 3 Dec 2024 - 20:52

Acronym Finder

What is Y ?
Year time, which is based on occurred in the two events in the flow of the motion of the earth around the sun is defined. Sometimes, with the spread of spam this sense, the term "year" designates the length of time the circulation of other planets around the Sun, also goes to work.

year, usually to the solar year is said to be. Sometimes a number of lunar-based lunar year equals 12 lunar months, and is more than 10 days from the solar year is shorter....
What is R ?
scale for grading wind is in honor of the discoverer, IT, engineer, Scottish physicist William John , this title can be read.

mark °R, or °Ra. (in that the need to discriminate difference, degree Rømer and Réaumur. of °Ra is used)

like grading Kelvin zero is absolute zero, but in dividing the degrees of the scale, in degrees Fahrenheit, is used so the result is °R 1 the same 1 °F, but zero degrees against 459. the 67 - Fahrenheit.

grading for use in the cycle, thermodynamic steam engines, for example, that Steam work ideal....
What is K ?
Kelvin with the symbol K temperature measurement, which is based on the scale of absolute expression. This YK is one of the seven the main system, the international standard . Kelvin, a scale of absolute temperature in thermodynamics is where absolute zero — the coldest possible temperature — is zero Kelvin is called. In describing the thermodynamics of the classic, Absolute Zero, etc. the movement of thermal particles stops. Kelvin as 1/273. the 16 average thermodynamic point triple water (i.e. 0٫01° C or 32٫018 F° is defined. In other words, if the point of the triple water exactly equal to 273 of 16 Kelvin.

Kelvin to respect the physicist and engineer, the people in Northern Ireland. William Thomson, etc. Lord Kelvin (1824 – 1907), the name taken ... someone of the importance of a "scale of temperature, absolute," he stressed. Contrary to the scale of Fahrenheit, and Celsius to Kelvin with the words, the air cell will not be. Kelvin, primarily as measure in physics is used, but often in comparison with the tertiary expression can be. Because Celsius magnitude equal to the Kelvin, and the average point triple water 273. the 16 Kelvin (0٫01 ° C) the distance is, in other words, absolute zero Kelvin is equal to 273. the 15 - Celsius (459٫67 - F)....
What is F ?
F (Fahrenheit) scale for measuring temperature is that in the United States application. In grading, Fahrenheit, liquid, the mercury disposal. Point the lower the temperature of the mixture of Ice And and upper limit of the temperature in the healthy human body has the discretion to be, and it's number 98, the 6 in the fall, and from zero to 98, the 6 to 98 of 6 equal parts divide, and every A, A degrees Fahrenheit, naming can be. From the scale of Fahrenheit, which is still in some countries, English is also used, in academic work is not used. United Kingdom in the year 1964, the scale of Celsius for commercial use and the military agreed....
What is LB ?
The pound (symbol of the short lb or lbm, or sometimes in USA) for the crime. Definition of diversity for the pound there.

today, the pound will be exactly equal to 0. the 45359237 kg know....
What is SC ?
Solid Contain
Solid . Means of solvent or particles of the solution not below 90 microns say. In the so-called laboratory chemistry, and mineral...
What is NAV ?
Net Asset Value
NAV words, of the value of the net assets of a company, in other words, the value of the total assets of the company after deducting the debts. Calculation of NAV in case of investment companies the most appropriate method for valuation of stock. In terms of accounting, discover NAV is easy, because in terms of accounting, equity equivalent value of the net assets of a company. But the main problem is that in estimating the analytical NAV, this figure can not be the reflection of the right of the net value of the assets of the company provide that the cause it also to some limitations of the balance sheet dates. In fact, in the company's balance sheet, investments, the value of the asset to the cost of the report. while between the day value of these assets and the amount of lifting it, there is a difference.

generally, the difference between the prices of all the historical and current value of the assets is very high and has caused damage to the usefulness of the information related to the assets in the balance sheet. So, to calculate the exact value of the net assets in investment companies, it is necessary that the value of the day, the investments made by these companies to be discovered and then the figure with the prices of all been stated in the balance sheet comparable and in the event that the market value more than price of all. this "surplus value compared to the prices of all the" should be in the calculation of the net asset value be considered, because, in fact, this surplus value, when offering a information sector assets in the balance sheet, hidden in plain sight.

so, estimate the value of the net assets of a company, the phrase of the total equity surplus value of investments compared to cost is all. It is clear the estimated NAV at the time when all the investment in shares of stock be considered easy, but the complexity of the time, there comes that companies. such investments in the company, out of stock. Since the market to discover the current value of the investment in the company, does not exist, the analyst should value these investments based on different information, the estimates.

in total, it should be noted that the estimated NAV for investment companies active in the stock market, Iran faces difficulties. One of the problems is that the dominant company, investing in the stock market of Iran. activities combination, i.e. in addition to Investment Management in the Securities action to control and manage other companies also) that the operation virtue of the complexity and ambiguity in the calculation of the NAV per share.
and another problem are...?
another problem as that was raised, the basket of stocks these companies. The lack of necessary information about the company, especially report EPS of them and the type of activity of such companies, in some cases, the complexity of the calculations, knocks. In case of overcoming these problems seem to Estimated NAV, the company invested in the stock market of Iran. the best tool for valuation....
What is SUP ?
or (be the supremum) is also the smallest bound high set with the arrangement of the minor or order. if available. the smallest number a member of the real numbers (and not a member of that set) is greater than or equal to all its members the collection. According to the principle of perfection, or integrity of any subset of The of real numbers, which of the above be a ....