What is AU ?
Astronomical Unit
the symbol AU on the same principle as the length of a half diameter of orbit the oval-shaped circulation of the earth around the sun, was intended to be. In 1976, the International Astronomical recursive definition AU was and asked that it to be a more accurate expression. The definition was that the AU longitudinal in which the gravitational constant Gauss (k) the amount equal to 0. the 01720209895 there while all the size. cosmic length, mass and time. Define the equivalent of The else that is offered is: the radius of a circular orbit Newtonian, non-turbulent revolves around the Sun, that the particle with the mass of the infinitesimal with the frequency of the angle 0. the 01720209895 Radian on the day of the move it. Or longitudinal that the gravitational constant it is equal to 0. the 017202098952AU3/d2. Approximately is equal to the distance of the earth to the sun.