Today, Tuesday، 25 Mar 2025 - 16:29

Acronym Finder

فهرستی از پربازديدترين کلمات مخفف ديده شده

What is PRC
People Republic of China
People\'s Republic of China, known as China, the most populous country in the world with over 1.3 billion people, inhabi
What is CEO
Chief Executive Officer
Managing director (CEO), the usually high-ranking, the most responsible for the administrative (executive) or the chief
What is VS
VS stands for the word Versus, meaning against ...
for example, in the war, pitched say : player A Vs player number
What is نوپو
نیروی ویژه پاد وحشت
Special force iPod panic with the abbreviated name one of the Special Forces police force of the Islamic Republic of Ir
What is UK
United Kingdom
United Kingdom or United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ire
What is ATM
Automated Teller Machine
ATM that sometimes , etc. for personal banks and Annie Banks, also called a device E that to the bank customers, this al
What is USD
United States Dollar
The US dollar, the unit currency of the United States of America (USD). The Congress of the United States on 6 July 1785
What is EU
European Union
The EU is a Economic Union-the political is that of the 27 European countries is formed. The origin of the European Unio
What is PDF
Portable Document Format
Extension the three-letter and specify a texture file, e-book in the program Adobe Acrobat. This name is short for Porta
What is BFF
Best Friend Forever
Means best friend forever eternally
What is ASL
Age, Sex, Location
Usually, in conversations, the internet, etc. of the word (principle) ASL for asking information the opposite side.
What is UAE
United Arab Emirates
The United Arab Emirates( U. A. E ), or Emirates, an absolute monarchy federal in south-western Asia, and in the east of
What is NPO
Nil Per Os
NPO stands for Nil Per Os (Nothing by Mouth) means to refrain from eating food by mouth and only drinking fluids for a p
What is اتکا
اداره تدارکات کارمندان ارتش
Administration, Logistics, Staff, Army
What is RIP
Rested In Peace
This word stands on the grave stone, Christians are written, and means quiet taken in peace.
What is پ.ن
Name (with the symbol of the abbreviation C. N) wrote that after the statue, the original of a letter or text added to i
What is فاتب
فرماندهی انتظامی تهران بزرگ
The command of the police in Tehran
What is فاوا
فن آوری اطلاعات و ارتباطات
Fava broad term encompasses all the advanced technology, how to communicate and transmit data in system communication. T
What is GN
Good Night
Words, GN is typically, in accordance with the internet ( chat ) means good night or The Good Night.
What is سمپاد
سازمان ملی پرورش استعدادهای درخشان
The National Organization, education, talent and organizational is the Academic Affairs, students are prone with high IQ
What is KSA
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The kingdom of Saudi Arabia one of the countries of the West, the continent of Asia. This country on the Arabian Peninsu
What is DNA
Deoxy Ribonucleic Acid
DNA, etc.) the phrase deoxyribonucleic acid, a nucleic acid, which has guidelines genetic is to work, and the developme
What is ساواک
سازمان امنیت و اطلاعات کشور
SAVAK (Persian: ساواک‎, short for سازمان اطلاعات و امنیت کشور Sāzemān-e Ettelā'āt va Amniyat-e Keshvar, literally "Organ
What is EPC
Engineering Procurement Construction
Project EPC, which is actually an acronym for Engineering Procurement Construction projects must be where all the activi
What is PhD
Philosophy Doctor
Courses Ph. D in science, they say, and stands for the word "Philosophy Doctor" means "PhD in philosophy" has been, in f
What is IRR
Iranian Rial
According to the standard ISO-4217 rial, Iran's currency, with symbol IRR in the trading world can be shown.
What is سابا
سازمان بهره وری انرژی ایران
Technology resources, fossil, etc. grow on top of the annual consumption of types of energy in Iran, get out of our coun
What is سماجا
ستاد مشترک ارتش جمهوری اسلامی ایران
The Joint Chiefs of staff of the army of the Islamic Republic of Iran, the center of planning and coordination between a
What is PV
Words, PV is usually in the chat application is to the meaning of the Private (other means: confidential).
What is HSE
Health and Safety Executive
HSE stands for health, safety and the environment, that has recently (1389) In Iran, the master student will be trained
What is BBC
British Broadcasting Corporation
The BBC ( BBC; to mean the British Broadcasting Corporation) is the oldest and largest Board of broadcast news throughou
What is LYM
LYM, in principle, LYMPHOCYTE, that is in terms of the number of blood cells white important blood is, and the reduction
What is ASTM
American Society for Testing and Materials
One of the most international organizations, the developer is the standard.
expanded standards for the organization,
What is ناجا
نیروی انتظامی جمهوری اسلامی ایران
Police in Iran is that in the year 1370 solar combination police of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Gendarmerie of
What is WWW
World Wide Web
The world of the web, the World Wide Web, the warp of the World Wide Web, the OR to be simple the web (WWW) the most maj
What is نزاجا
نیروی زمینی ارتش جمهوری اسلامی ایران
The greatest force in the Armed Forces of the Islamic Republic of Iran. The command of this force, the responsibility of
What is NGO
Non Governmental Organization
NGO or NGO (NGO) forms and in different ways, in used around the world, and according to the tissues of the verbal in wh
What is USB
Universal Serial Bus
USB in the field of information technology to a standard Crossing series, it is said that to create intermediaries betwe
What is FBI
Federal Bureau of Investigation
Inspection Bureau of the federal or Federal Police, us known to the FBI from state institutions, the United States of Am
What is FIFA
Federation Internationale de Football Association
The international football federation, known as FIFA nation issues, football in the world. The location of the establish